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    Anybody use compost?

    I started a little compost pile yesterday, it's sopmething I've been interested in doing, even before I wanted to grow pot. I just put in what I could find at the time, and plan to add more. So far it's got coffee grounds, a banana peel, some pods that were growing on a tree in my back yard...
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    Frost Damage Prevention

    I'm a little interested too, although I doubt there's anything that could buy more than a day or 2.
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    beware of animals eating your plants

    Pee around your plants man.
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    Molasses vs. Honey

    I'm interested to know as well. I can take lots of free honey packets from work, but I don't know where to get molasses (though I haven't looked for it; I don't want to spend any money.)
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    i just got my legal herbs in the mail

    Interested in the pics.
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    How long does it generally take to sprout in the woods?

    Well, I germinated the first few, but I also had them in miracle grow, which I have since found out probably caused nute burn. And I also think I overwatered them. The rest I didn't germinate beforehand though. I have some seeds germinating now, and I'm not sure if I want to plant indoors or...
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    How long does it generally take to sprout in the woods?

    I planted a seed roughly a week ago (and some even longer ago) and none have sprouted yet. How long should I wait before I give up on them?
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    having a baby....growing ???

    If you're growing you clearly don't think that marijuana is 'wrong' Anyway. It's a baby. They're just plants. The kid will be far to young to have any idea what's going on. In the eyes of psychologists, children can't even be held accountable for their actions until age 7 because their minds...
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    Miracle grow when planting or no?

    A friend of mine who knows nothing about planting planted a seed in the garden at his house, and once it sprouted moved it to a different location, and it was growing fairly well until we abandonned it. Now lately I've been planting seeds, yet none have even sprouted. So why exactly did my...
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    plant now? is it worth it?

    You'd probably be better off growing indoors. For the past few weeks I've been planting some 'last chance' seeds, but unfortunately none have even sprouted, which I'm a bit disappointed by. I'm going to grow little plants indoors now until spring. While I don't have much room/privacy, I'm sure...
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    3 Months Till Winter

    How bout in New Jersey? I've been planting any seeds I've come across late lately, just for the hell of it.
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    can some PLEASE help me out!?

    Raise the plant. If you don't want to transplant it to higher ground, at least dig away some surrounding dirt or make an irrigation ditch to take the water away from the plant.
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    Is turning a male plant hermy a good/plausible idea?

    I don't have a male plant. I was just asking for future refrence. It isn't always practical to just start over, I don't have much growing opportunity.
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    Is turning a male plant hermy a good/plausible idea?

    I figure that way I could get a little bud instead of none, right?
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    New outdoor plant reaching, will this work?

    A week or 2 of stunted growth is kind of a big deal this late in the season. I'm thinking It would be a better idea to cut some branches now.
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    New outdoor plant reaching, will this work?

    I realize that foil would draw attention, but I would have taken that risk if it were the only option. As for putting it in an east clearing, I suppose that's a good idea, but would transplanting hurt the plant? Should I wait until it's a little stronger? Or is that the opposite of what I...
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    If I planted now...

    Yeah, I figured the yeild would be smaller. I'll gladly take a small yeild over no bud.
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    New outdoor plant reaching, will this work?

    It's in the woods in an area which apparently has a bit too much shade. Would surrounding the plant with foil help it get some extra light that it needs?
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    If I planted now...

    Since the season is nearing its end and the days are getting shorter, wouldn't that mean that outdoor plants would spend less time in the veg state and start flowering more quickly?
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    What if I grew entirely in Dixie cups?

    How much should I be watering it? It hasn't sprouted yet, so doesn't it needs lots of water? Like, a daily watering? I probably overwatered without realizing since it's in something the size of a shot glass. I'll put it in a 16 oz cup tomorrow.