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  1. S

    600w - HSO Blue Dream and RP OG Kush

    Hey folks, I'm currently on day 49 here. They're looking pretty good and they STINK! I will say, even though they do look good, I think they would be much bigger, and nicer if they were in more dirt. Anyways, they're getting mostly water now. I'm going to give them one more feeding of the late...
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    600w - HSO Blue Dream and RP OG Kush

    Thought I might add that I grew this same strain from seed, then cloned the shit out of it. Ended up getting a whole bunch of people growing my clones because this strain yields great and is a+ smoke when done right.
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    600w - HSO Blue Dream and RP OG Kush

    Hey folks, I don't really post on here but I thought I'd try it out again. I've now got a few grows under my belt and have relocated across the country. Since moving, I have set up what I think is a pretty decent little grow area. The room is 9ft by 8ft, with a ~2x4 closet; so it's pretty...
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    Does anything look wrong with this Blue Dream seedling? Pic

    Hey I was just wondering if anything looked wrong. I'm relatively inexperienced with seedlings. The only thing I was really worried about was the first true leaves, they look wavey, is this normal? And the stretch, could that be caused by the heat?
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    Does anything look wrong with this Blue Dream seedling? Pic

    Hey does anything look wrong with this seedling? #4 Mix, no food yet, 1 week old, Heat mat with controller 78*F, and will be getting Pure Blend Pro by botanicare. Thanks in advance for any input.
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    G13- Blueberry Gum- DWC Grow

    Hey man, great to see you are growing this. I am doing the same right now. Mine is just a seedling. Check out my NL grow for pics. Also, I've subscribed to this thread
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    What do you think?

    Btw, those little guys are just mothers.
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    What do you think?

    Hey folks, just looking for some feedback/ comments about my grow. Please feel free to tell me what you think? Here's the link to it: also some pics: How long do YOU think till these guys are done? Also, how much do...
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    :leaf:Greetings and salutations my friends, fellow growers, and everyone that happens to read this. I have flushed my system, and changed the nutrients a day early. According to the feeding chart I am on week 10 of the GH Flora Series. They are swelling at a fairly steady rate. The buds are...
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    Alrighty, it's Thursday. Thursday is flush day, and new nutrients. I'm on Week 9 of the GH Flora Series (Expert Recirculating) chart; Or week 6 or flowering. The calyx's are starting to swell and new ones are still appearing. There are visible trichomes covering all of the leaves around the bud...
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    Agreed, I won't be able to do anything yet but after this grow, there are a lot of changes happening in the closet. That seedling I have is going to be a mom, and I'm going to have a SoG w/ it's clones in there. So I will probably use a tray and buckets with expanded clay top drip, or something...
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    Hey, I'm trying to keep the room as normal looking as possible because of where I am. Would you maybe suggest lower on the door? I'm still on week 5 of flowering. Vertical growth has halted completely is seems, and the many many budding sites are expanding at an alarming rate. It's always a...
  13. S

    What nutrients are you using?

    Hey, I'm using the GH 3 Part and so far (45 days into Flowering) my results are insane. Mix that with a good line of bloom enhancers and your set. I'm using PlantLife
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    **UPDATE** Today, I flushed my system, and then added tap water (I don't bother letting it sit, our water isn't very chlorinated) along with Week 8, or 5 weeks into flowering of the GH Flora 3 part and dry solubles from Holland Secret. I also added 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide and will add 1/4...
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    Ok so here's an update. These plants are beginning to flower. I'm on weeks 4 of flowering now, so I increased the ppm to about 1300. Hopefully they won't grow TOO much more, I only have 1ft of space between the light tube and the ceiling.
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    So this is my closet. And the last one should be my fancy CO2 setup.
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    1st Grow ever... Northern Lights

    I figured I should start one of these and see if maybe someone may learn from me as I have from many others, even though I'm a bit later in the grow. This is my first grow ever, and I'm 14 days into flowering now. But I'll fill you in on what has happened so far. I germinated the seeds Feb.1...
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    Are these too short?

    Cool thanks man, is it safe to say they'd approx. double in height?
  19. S

    Are these too short?

    These are on week 5 since germ. Just wondering if they are a bit short for their age. They are otherwise very healthy. The tallest one (at the back in the middle) is 13" tall. How tall will these get?
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    Are these too short?

    Hey, this is my first grow...ever. I've got six NL plants from feminized seeds. All into 4th week of veg today. Home made top drip using PlantLife Products Holland Secret 3 part formula. I follow the directions on the bottles. Also use their B+. I have a dual output pump with two 6" air stones...