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  1. YoungClover

    lumens or watts

    You could flower with that, but more lights = more bud. For maximum yield place some lights to the sides of the plant aswell, it'll help light the whole plant.
  2. YoungClover

    Was thinking about buying an LED light

    L.E.D. lights are hot, so you can't put them close to the plant. I would go with CFL lights if you on a bugdet, they can be placed much closer to the plant, and are often cheaper and more powerful.
  3. YoungClover

    1st Grow; Using CFL; Tell me how I'm doing

    I gave my plant 48 hours of darkness to scare it into flowering, now it is on a 12/12 schedule. I also have transplanted a clone i took from it and it is growing well.
  4. YoungClover

    weight lose after driying

    I was about to say something close to that Very nice, what watt cfl's, how close to the lights, what type of soil, give me details...
  5. YoungClover

    My Clones

    I cut 3 clones weeks ago, one was from a plant that i got the seed for in Jamaica and the other two were from a friend's plant. I also to a clone yesterday from my brother's plant(Also from Jamaica). The first Jamaican clone was transplanted today and is looking very nice. The two from my...
  6. YoungClover

    Germinating seeds ,how do i ?

    I use a damp paper towel. Fold the paper towel so it is covering the seed completely, and place in a dark place. Don't let the paper towel dry out.
  7. YoungClover

    clones in humidity dome

    And of course it would answer my question 3 months after that. lol
  8. YoungClover

    please help! curled and wrinkled leaves

    Sounds like a deficiency, posting some pictures would be helpful. What type of soil(or is it Hydro) and nutes(if any) are you using.
  9. YoungClover

    its been 12 days since i had a cancer stick

    I think i have finally quit, Its been a few days, but before that 1 cig it was 3 weeks.
  10. YoungClover

    What is your faith, path or belief?

    I am Agnostic, I really don't believe anything, it seems that nothing really seems to stick, but nothing doesn't work either, if that makes sense. I plan on a career in software or game development, My main non work related hobbies are growing(of course), Gaming(I think that counts as one) and...
  11. YoungClover

    Religion has more proof to it than Evolution!?

    I normally wouldn't go into this topic because l can talk forever about it, but I'm stoned so what the hell. I would say that i believe there could be something after death, but I am unable to ignore that there might not be anything. To begin, lets talk about why we know of religion in the...
  12. YoungClover

    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    As soon as I let out the hit i felt it. Everything more than a foot from me dropped into blackness, soon after that I lost track of everything. I was in my own little world so to speak. I remember seeing a nearby canyon during the trip, but when I came down I realized that was my friend. Right...
  13. YoungClover

    Question about using compost

    I got some free compost from a friends almond orchard, but I really don't know what type it is. I'll ask him and let you know as soon as I do. I put up one of those signs, but I'm not sure if it'll help. lol I got to get out there and pull weeds before I end up getting stoned.
  14. YoungClover

    How do you clean your pipes?

    I just boil them, it seems to clean everything off, and if it does leave a little it won't bother me anyways.
  15. YoungClover

    Question about using compost

    The spot I plan on growing has three trees nearby, and was wondering if I mix the compost in now, will the trees use the nutrients before my plants can? Just in case its relevant, Ill be planting in about 3 months.
  16. YoungClover

    2 CFL Box options with drawings - HELP ME DECIDE!!!

    I' under the assumption that mylar is some type of reflecting material, so my answer is based on that assumption. If you use mylar, I recommend you use it for all sides of the box, but it looks like you only growing one plant, and if that is the case you should have enough light at 32,400...
  17. YoungClover

    My first grow is with CFL

    You should have Plenty of light to get a good harvest, just remember Keep Those Lights As Close As Possible!
  18. YoungClover

    I killed a monster *PICS*

    Thats one 24 Oz. monster! lol
  19. YoungClover

    My first clones have rooted; Where do I go from here?

    I was wondering why the roots had not extended very far from the stem. Thanks for the help Nocturn3
  20. YoungClover

    My first clones have rooted; Where do I go from here?

    I clipped a clone off my first plant and two off a friends plant, Two Sundays ago and now with a 100% success rate they have all rooted. I'm sorta confused as what to do right now though, the plants are not well enough rooted to move from clone tray yet, but i was wondering if they still need...