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  1. Car'a'carn

    I'm getting a new showerhead, and it's going to be pretty badass... seriously..

    I want one haha, I love the feeling of water on my skin, rain especially :D
  2. Car'a'carn

    I don't know what to do..

    nah i could never hit her, and she's a great partner but its just a couple things that hit my weak spot
  3. Car'a'carn

    I don't know what to do..

    yeah i saw that earlier, what part of it are you talking about
  4. Car'a'carn

    I don't know what to do..

    I plan on telling her, youre right, if i cant be honest with her it isnt worth it. and if she tries to make me quit something that has allowed me to quit my antidepressants, (which also is making it easier for us in bed) then maybe I need to rethink our relationship. Thanks, everyone, god i...
  5. Car'a'carn

    I don't know what to do..

    right, I thought of showing her a documentary or something...I'm afraid she'll say me or weed ya know
  6. Car'a'carn

    I don't know what to do..

    eh, about five or six months? No, Minnesnowta
  7. Car'a'carn

    I don't know what to do..

    So I've been trying to figure out the best way to tell my girlfriend of nine months that I smoke. She's very against drugs, of course being misinformed by propaganda, etc. She considers all drugs the same. I love her very much and I just want her to understand more about marijuana and accept...
  8. Car'a'carn

    Miracle whip or Mayo?

    mayo dude, miracle whip has a weird taste to me o.O
  9. Car'a'carn

    1st post on grasscity and I get a smart ass dick head remark lol

    yeah, GC is an asshole, selfish community...ive been amazed at the community in RIU so far :D
  10. Car'a'carn

    Gone Clean.

    hey good for you man, like a few people said, weed will be here when you retire, maybe even legalized :D
  11. Car'a'carn

    Random thought of the day

    thats true i guess xD
  12. Car'a'carn

    Random thought of the day

    I think that clothes should all be made of waterproof material. I mean, think about it, we're always afraid of getting splashed with a little water, or worse yet, enduring a day of work or class with damp socks. This clothing movement would replace all cloth/wool/other water absorbing materials...
  13. Car'a'carn

    Why does everyone think they are right and everyone else is stupid?

    its natural for humans to consider themselves as the "greater beings", because that's what we've been taught all our lives. and as the top notch form of life on this planet, our only option is to compete with each other. most of our social status comes from our job, our salary, new car, new...
  14. Car'a'carn

    Just smoked first time

    actually got high for the first time a couple of weeks ago, got stoned out of our minds, didnt turn me off at all, i love the feeling just depends on the personality and willingness, i think
  15. Car'a'carn

    Finally left GrassCity

    holy hell what a bunch of fuck heads. im also new here, looked at several sites, including GC, before joining. so far pretty pleased with riu :D
  16. Car'a'carn

    Annoying Phrases

    that's what she said..
  17. Car'a'carn

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    it just depends on how the girl wears it, sometimes i like it wild and sometimes straight, not really too important to me
  18. Car'a'carn

    3 Word Story

    pigs in blankets