I don't know what to do..


So I've been trying to figure out the best way to tell my girlfriend of nine months that I smoke. She's very against drugs, of course being misinformed by propaganda, etc. She considers all drugs the same. I love her very much and I just want her to understand more about marijuana and accept it, even if she never tries it, but I don't want her to leave me because of it...Is there a way I can kind of gently ease into telling her or what?


Well-Known Member
2 ways to do it.

1. Let her find out on her own (not advised) She'll be way pissed that you lied and was trying to hide it from her.

2. Tell her straight out.

It's not as complicated as yer making it out to be. Those are really your 2 options. You could potentially add a 3rd one in there and just quit smokin. But that's just far fetched :D


2 ways to do it.

1. Let her find out on her own (not advised) She'll be way pissed that you lied and was trying to hide it from her.

2. Tell her straight out.

It's not as complicated as yer making it out to be. Those are really your 2 options. You could potentially add a 3rd one in there and just quit smokin. But that's just far fetched :D
right, I thought of showing her a documentary or something...I'm afraid she'll say me or weed ya know


Well-Known Member
Stop smoking! or you should be prepaired to find a new girlfriend
And just tell her you smoke and why, you can be like hey did you ever smoke because I do and blah blah blah
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


Well-Known Member
right, I thought of showing her a documentary or something...I'm afraid she'll say me or weed ya know
She will, but that's just when you stand up for what you want out of life. Hiding something that you love doing is not going to make you happy my friend. Find someone that you can be yourself around.


Active Member
ok, listen dude.

i was in the SAME shape you are in about 2 months ago. I hid it from my girl for about a year, year and a half and it got to a point to where i was like, this is fucking stupid, im a grown man and if a woman dont accept the fact that i want to do something that i really want to do, shes prolly not for me. So, i got my girl after a night out was dropping her off at her place and i told her earlier that i needed a "talk" so i pretty much just said that i use to smoke in highschool and i was completely ok with it, and that i was starting school again soon and i need it for concentration, i really do. ive been diagnosed with ADHD and adderall just isnt my thing. i understand if you get mad and i expect that, but respect that im telling you that i can let u know anything about it and its completely healthy.

i really dont remember the rest because it was pretty intense because she wa just a drinker and though everything else was a "drug" not knowing alcohol was a "drug".

so after a few days of awkwardness she finally got over it and is now a true pothead with me, in less that 2 months. im not saying this will work for you, just sayin it did for me, good luck brotha and remember u only have one life. they'll always be girls, and smoke.


Active Member
After 6 months of the 9 you have been together, she may already know, unless you have been smoking brick and not dank bud. I say just tell her, and tell her why you smoke. If you really like her and she likes you, then it should t be held off any longer. Honesty is the first thing that should be in a relationship.


Well-Known Member
stick it in her butt and tell her you smoke.

works every time.
This is a great idea, next time your with her just jam it in her ass and have at it as rough as you can and then as soon as you finish roll over and spark a joint, I bet she wont be complaining about the joint.


Well-Known Member
After 6 months of the 9 you have been together, she may already know, unless you have been smoking brick and not dank bud. I say just tell her, and tell her why you smoke. If you really like her and she likes you, then it should t be held off any longer. Honesty is the first thing that should be in a relationship.
I agree and disagree. You should tell her yes, but for the meer fact that it sucks to have to sneak around. However, honesty is not as important as communication. Tell yer girl you are going to hang out with the boys and yer going to a bar for drinks, does she need to know the bar you are going to is a strip club? no, she doesnt. However, if you fucked the stripper ... then ya, yer a douche bag and you need to tell her lol.

See the difference?

stick it in her butt and tell her you smoke.

works every time.
This guy knows whats up :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah right guys, telling him to stick it up her ass! Real nice. Grow up! If you want to have a great relationship, just tell her. Im a women & believe me honesty is best policy, if she freaks on you then u need move on. Or like someone suggested quit. Your choice! She might surprise you. Peace

P.s. I would watch out she may stick it up your ass, if u take those stupid asses advice!


I plan on telling her, youre right, if i cant be honest with her it isnt worth it. and if she tries to make me quit something that has allowed me to quit my antidepressants, (which also is making it easier for us in bed) then maybe I need to rethink our relationship. Thanks, everyone, god i love this community haha


Well-Known Member
eh, about five or six months? No, Minnesnowta
Five or six months, quit the herb and keep the chick!

I would take women over weed any day, but I guess I am a little lucky because I never had to choose. In fact my father in law would be quite proud of my current grow if he was here with us.



Well-Known Member
Yeah right guys, telling him to stick it up her ass! Real nice. Grow up! If you want to have a great relationship, just tell her. Im a women & believe me honesty is best policy, if she freaks on you then u need move on. Or like someone suggested quit. Your choice! She might surprise you. Peace

P.s. I would watch out she may stick it up your ass, if u take those stupid asses advice!
my advice is sound.

obviously, no one has ever stuck it in your butt before presenting news to you.


Well-Known Member
yeah i saw that earlier, what part of it are you talking about
I just thought maybe it would help or give you ideas or whatever...
Maybe shes been battered in the past or maybe shes scarred you will batter her or maybe you do batter her or have been thinking about it maybe she needs to be spanked if she doesn't mind her buisness or maybe that thread will prevent the situation from getting out of controll