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  1. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Nope, "got the girl" was afterward and that is even over now. She's not worth it. It was a successful crop, and it's not the first time someone has beaten someone else in exactly such a manner. Who is the real winner in this? Me! Why? Because I am essentially retired and plan on going...
  2. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    It was purchased from Radio Shack for about 100 bux, used, and returned. The traitor confessed and gave up his sources. but it true pussy fashion, he betrayed me, and lied that he was setting them up. He is currently living on the streets trying to find a new source of blood to leech from as...
  3. J

    Secret Urban Grow

  4. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    I have greatly appreciated the thought of sympathy. Ya pick a good spot (and it was one of my best, cuz it took them a long time to find it) and let nature do the rest. I will grow again next year! Depends on where I am. :) Would consider a co-op project though, as I think it would be...
  5. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Well, it was very secure, it was quite undectable, despite only being 200 yards from a minor league baseball stadium. I have no regrets other than a two faced bastard that claimed to be a friend put enough pieces together to sell it out to a third party. problem is with most pastys, he too got...
  6. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    I wish I was. On September 10th, I beamed with a level of pride and satisfaction that is hard to describe. I think about a half ounce is the best this runt is going to do. Truthfully, I was expecting 8-10 pounds, and a total value of 20G or so.
  7. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    September 16, was a day I went to my garden of eden to take a mature snippet of what was expected to be THE banner harvest, of which to be judged for years to come, and have stories told of such a great September (my favorite month of the year. What I found is in picture 1, listed below...
  8. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    I am sorry for the lack of updates, I know it's been a while. The final update has taken as long as it has, due to security issues raised since the last update on Sept 10. It will be coming soon. Think of this as an excruciatingly long commercial break just before the end of the movie. and...
  9. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    My ship is coming in and nearing the shore. Gosh, these are anxious times, 4 1/2 months of pruning, slipping, feeding, tying down, fussing over their every detail, and now all you can do is let them go, and watch. I stopped spraying the "deer away" on them, despite the fact they are...
  10. J

    Secret Urban Grow

  11. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Actually figuring on a golf week type thing in Myrtle Beach Novemberish. I can't wait to see how much trim leaf i get for Bubble hash, but if it's a significant amount, I may have some to splurge with, but that's a lot of ifs to go through yet. They ain't done yet, and I've seen all kinds of...
  12. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Thanks, appreciate the good karma. Next week's forecast is for 75-80 for a highs, and 55-60 for lows, and very little chance for rain (we had a 1 1/2 day soaking rain fri and Sat). Perfect September weather for flowering! :) All you can do now is watch, and hope. It's like Christmas, you;ve...
  13. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    I just might be sometime soon! Hoping on Myrtle Beach for a little golf in Novemberish, and then crossing my fingers but a trip to Australia would be most special again.
  14. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    I absolutely love that ball of hash in your hand! lol I'm hoping to get a good trim count when these babies harvest and I so can't wait to make bubble hash again ! I got a Vapir One 5.0 vape to do it up in too. :)
  15. J

    Grapefruit x nycd & hijack guerilla grow 09'

    wow, they are huge and bulky. If they weren't in a secure or no traffic area, I'd be nervous about them sticking out, and way too sweet to lose. I've tied mine down and they are still just above waist high which blends into the field they call home, just on the south edge of a tree line...
  16. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Quick question. I thought at one point I was able to see how many subscribers added this thread to their list of preferred reading, but I've been unable to see it lately, and I forgot where to look that info up, if it's still viewable. I'm just curious to know, and hope to be able to contact...
  17. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Fortunately, I've only had to water them when I planted them and then fed them once using a triple strength mix of Miracle Grow Bloom buster 15-30-15. I mix it stronger, because with fast growing plants, it's hard to overfeed them. Also, when/if it rains it'll help dilute it to a normal amount...
  18. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    I could only upload 4 on the last post, so here are 2 more you'll want to see! :)
  19. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Alas, I am at the FINAL STAGE of my garden's life. It's been nearly 4 months of endurance, secrecy, battling the elements, and deer, not to mention a probable fracture of the sternum, and being gang raped by spiders causing an allergic reaction that took 2 weeks to clear up. But, to see almost...
  20. J

    Secret Urban Grow

    Thanks, appreciate the support and the great tip for the deer away formula which saved a lot of damage. They have not touched a plant in the last week, and no new males!!!! WOOT. They seem to prefer and know the male plants, which I never thought would be the case. That was a shocking...