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  1. Jack843

    DONT BUY New York Power Diesel from Nirvana (March 2010 to Current Seeds)

    well damn, i just put 2 of these in the ground last week, I hope mine don't turn out like this.
  2. Jack843


    No, the only thing that will happen if you do this, your skin might start to burn a little and you might feel temperature increase, which will then inturn possibly put you into a bad trip
  3. Jack843

    8th of bud? or 8th of shrooms?

    Shrooms! can be extremely fun
  4. Jack843

    For u RIU ( cocaine)

    heard of a Cabbie? coke laced cig, that will get ya
  5. Jack843

    look ok for 32 days flowering??? here check the pics on the last page they are very similar
  6. Jack843

    First Indogro

    All is going well, planning to chop in the next 2-3 weeks. despite being a hermie , it still produced nice buds, but im not sure how pollinated it got. anyways here are the buds:peace: Awsome smell by the way, lemony piney and fruity, when you squeeze the bud, but when its just in the closet...
  7. Jack843

    Best Food When High

    Try pistachio icecream on white chocolate macadamia nut cookies, it is awsome (blue bell ice cream and pepperidge farm cookies)
  8. Jack843

    look ok for 32 days flowering???

    Haha alright i gotta get some double a's and ill post some, mine was a bag seed as well.
  9. Jack843

    look ok for 32 days flowering???

    What are you growing?, my shit looks just like it.
  10. Jack843

    Shit... Left the lights on...

    Having timers is like having extra freedom, to me atleast.
  11. Jack843

    First Indogro

    here it is about 3 weeks flowering. the last pic is 1 of about 10-15 male pollen sacs i picked off last and this night. thank god only 2 had really opened but still that could have done it but idk.
  12. Jack843

    First Indogro

    Its a hermie :/ , i dont have my camera but i plucked off like 6-7 balls off only a few were open and i did see some pollen come out of one of the opened ones. It should still be some decent smoke right?
  13. Jack843

    my weed is not very stony...why

    Well the onlys thing i think u did wrong was harvest before the trichromes turned amber and i think you are supposed to hang dry for 7-10 days but that can vary
  14. Jack843

    First Indogro

    things are rolling smoothly and the plant is doing great! just got a little burned by the lights but w/e
  15. Jack843

    My first DXM

    DXM always used to leave a 10 hour+ hangover, uncoordinated clumsy hangover, still feel the mild body high from the dxm afterwords, but i quit that shit. that is no way to trip.
  16. Jack843

    First Indogro

    Plant is doing great, more white hairs popping out
  17. Jack843

    Penis Shrooms

    heres some of what i had
  18. Jack843

    Penis Shrooms

    Oh yea, i feel safe to say these are the best psilocybin mushrooms out there, only thing better would be Amanita muscaria but those have a lot of deadly, poisonous look alikes. On some days i could sell these for 40-45 an 8th, and that is well worth it, if u are gonna try to grow these or ever...
  19. Jack843

    Penis Shrooms

    took an 8th of these for my second shroom trip and they knocked me on my ass for 8 1/2 hours took about 2-21/2 hours to kick these are amazing!