only week 5 but tric's are more then 50% cloudy!


Active Member
its only been 5 weeks but my roommate is thinking its close to harvest time! He is the hands on guy, i just pay for half of the equipment/supplies. But its only been 35 days budding and our strain is suppose to be ready in 50-60 days flowering. My roommate checked out the trics and said they are more then half cloudy with a couple amber.

Looking at the buds how many more weeks should it take in your opinion and when should we flush the nuits?



Active Member
DONT BE HASTY THEYRE NOT DONE!! allow the calyxes to swell up theres no density there itd be stringy leafy harsh tasting schwag if you pluck em now give then at least 3 or 4 more weeks!!!


its way to early wait till its about 90% amber and then harvest flush all nuts at 53 days and place in a dark room (no light ) and reap at 60th day and u'll get the best thc ever


Well-Known Member
its way to early wait till its about 90% amber and then harvest flush all nuts at 53 days and place in a dark room (no light ) and reap at 60th day and u'll get the best thc ever
Wow..Theres so much fail in this single post. Please ignore this guy.

Definitely let your plant go a few more weeks though. They're no where near ready, and dont let your friend force an early harvest.


Active Member
Wow..Theres so much fail in this single post. Please ignore this guy.

Definitely let your plant go a few more weeks though. They're no where near ready, and dont let your friend force an early harvest.

His issue (and I dont blame him) is that there is only two plants in there and we have 6 seedlings waiting to go in, and he is afraid that the seedlings will be too big if we wait too long to start flowering them.

But I dont want to waste the effort we put into these two, we only flowered them because we didnt need them for mothers and wanted to test our setup before starting the real grow, but now they are holding us back.


Well-Known Member
His issue (and I dont blame him) is that there is only two plants in there and we have 6 seedlings waiting to go in, and he is afraid that the seedlings will be too big if we wait too long to start flowering them.

But I dont want to waste the effort we put into these two, we only flowered them because we didnt need them for mothers and wanted to test our setup before starting the real grow, but now they are holding us back.
I understand how he feels. Ive got one plant that will be ready for flowering by friday(11 inches) but the rest are still 8-9 inches tall at the moment and not quite ready. Ive also got another ten 3 week old seedlings that are taking up space.

Thankfully I have another tent to put those guys into, but Ive only got 5 square feet for them!They're gonna take up quite a bit of space when I start flowering them. Hopefully clearing out some males will give me some room.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt waste that plant just to start 6 seedlings. Looks like thats gonna be some nice bud.

Maybe get those seedlings under some light elsewhere. Or put the seedlings in with that one, Use phonebooks or something to raise them off the ground. Just use your imagination.


Active Member
flushing is watering with only ph'd water and un-sulphured mollasses 1-2 teaspoons per gallon for 2-3 wks no nutes helps them bulk up plus helps with taste


Active Member
thanks for the advice folks. At this point we are leaning toward buying and setting up a second light and tray and growing the seedlings in that one. If we did that we could have a crop once a month instead of every two months. We are just not sure if we can affford that yet.


Well-Known Member
they are no where near ready yet... they haven't even started to pack on the weight yet so if you harvest now, results will be minimal..


Active Member
They don't even look like they have trics yet.

Be patient grasshopper. Rewards come to those that wait. :weed:


deffo make yourself a 2nd area to keep the seedlings alive - they don't have to grow much, just stay alive until the proper area becomes free.

Done the same thing myself with a clone / slow veg room, somewhere to put your cuttings and small plants where they will just be happy until their time comes...

don't rush harvesting, i have read that so often... you'll be happier and higher in a few weeks and ur patience will be rewarded