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  1. Overclockd24

    Broke my favorite pipe, found this inside. *pics*

    that piece had a good run
  2. Overclockd24

    How much does a OZ go in your town?

    I'm from mid-north jersey in monmouth county, around here i can get an o of mids for about 100 and some bangins for around 300-450 dependin on how crazy it is.. If anyone is from around here im lookin for some new bangins lol
  3. Overclockd24

    Kushhys OUTD00R - 2009

    ah that sucks man! best of luck in the future
  4. Overclockd24

    Kushhys OUTD00R - 2009

    Haha a computer case thats genius.. i have two lying around i should do that
  5. Overclockd24

    Kushhys OUTD00R - 2009

    wow man thats so ridiculous.. this isnt as bad but get this.. not even a month ago I picked up my two friends from the police station at 3AM they got caught with an o in their trunk.. bam got arrested on the spot, one of em got $1000 fine, and the other got a lawyer and pushed his court date...
  6. Overclockd24

    Top 5 must Grow Strains

    Simply amazing.. I got ridiculously high off very little weed
  7. Overclockd24

    A Tribute To The Attitude Seed Bank

    honestly your saying this as if we are the only people that can get these kind of seeds with this stealth shipping.. its a public fucking website, all they have to do is order it themselves and hey look they know how they ship seeds. You're an asshole and an idiot.
  8. Overclockd24

    Kushhys OUTD00R - 2009

    totally agreed :bigjoint:
  9. Overclockd24

    Kushhys OUTD00R - 2009

    I'm the guy you helped on the other thread from jersey.. thats awesome though dude its so different on the east coast and near urban areas, there so much more strict its insane.. i hate it but im a first time grower and i just threw in some regs into my moms garden and just gunna see what...
  10. Overclockd24

    CNN- make the phone call- THIS IS NO JOKE

    Just called :] and passed it on to a good 20 or so friends
  11. Overclockd24

    Time Crunch

    Yeah thats exactly what i did actually, I bought some seeds but i figured im not gunna risk wasting them if there not gunna reach maximum (or close to it) potential. My bro planted some bag seeds about three weeks ago and I'm germinating my own right now.. I guess I'll save my seeds til next...
  12. Overclockd24

    Kushhys OUTD00R - 2009

    jesus thats alot of weed just for personal haha.. i would take a trip to PA just to try some of this :mrgreen:.. right now my towns been getting narced hardcore, im basically down to one dealer and the weeds not that great :/ anyways good luck and im def following along with you considering ill...
  13. Overclockd24

    Time Crunch

    Ah alright well thank you for the info and yeah ill check it out
  14. Overclockd24

    Time Crunch

    Sorry probably should have put that in my original post. I'm from jersey. Oh okay, I figured since it would be getting less light it would think its still earlier in the season and veg more.. but I'll give it a shot, either way this is just my first experimental grow so i'll be happy even if i...
  15. Overclockd24

    Time Crunch

    Hey guys, I'm a newbie but I've been browsing these forums for quite sometime now. I originally planned on wanting to grow indoors, but i recently took a turn and wanted to try outdoors.. One major problem at this point is time. Is it to late in the season for me to start growing? The only...
  16. Overclockd24

    stupidest arrest ever....

    Hahaha Amen.