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  1. F

    6 cfl reflector - grow box?

    How is he going to use a charchoal filter on a computer fan man...????:confused:
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    need HELP on deciding to flower or not

    Hi Guys! 1) the first 3 pics are of a cloned Afghan Kush plant, and I've had it about 2weeks. I'm growing it under (4) 42watt cfl bulbs, on a 18/6 schedule. In the past week it seem to have taken off really well. Do you guys think I can I start flowering now??? The plant is about 5" or 6"...
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    cfl fittings

    What you need are those ceramic light fixtures. I tried to find some pics of them on the net but couldn't. Don't get the ones with the big round base, you will be fine with the ones that have a base that is about a 1/2" wider than the socket where the bulb screws in. You also buy 1...
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    Aluminum vs Mylar vs Foil on

    Thanx for replying... My plants are both Indicas (Grand Daddy Purp. & G-13). I'll just stick with the CFL's for now and just surround the plants with them. I just bought my plants about 4 days ago (2" clones) and they're still in the rockwool. I'm thinking about transplanting them to a...
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    CFL Confusion - NO UPWARD GROWTH???

    I have 2 clones that I just got about 5 days ago. They're about 2 "inches" tall and in the veg stage right now and on a 18/6 cycle. I have (4) 42watt CFL's and (2) 26watt CFL's on them, which equals to 220watts. If I added 1 400watt HPS light, would that make a BIG difference??? Also, does...
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    Aluminum vs Mylar vs Foil on

    Hi guys, Have any of you ever heard of a product called "Foil on"? I'm not sure if the spelling is correct, but I heard that its better than mylar and I'm thing about getting some. If you're familiar with this product please let me know. Also, I have 2 plants in the early veg'ing stage. I...
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    Need help with Soil Selection...

    Thanks for the advice. I decided to go with the Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. I've done some reading and it seems to be pretty good. If anyone else have any input feel free to drop a note R 2. Happy blazing:joint:
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    OG Kush 50 days Flowering pics

    Hey roughnice: I'm in S. Cali as well and I'd like to know "where you get your fox farm ocean forest from"? I'm doing my first grow, bought 2 plants (Grand daddy purple & G-13) last monday. They are in a really small container now (2" x 2" x 2"), so I wanna transplant them to a larger pot and...
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    Need help with Soil Selection...

    Hey guys, I bought 2 clones last Monday. They are about 2" tall and in a very small 2" x 2" x 2" container and rooted in rockwool. I'd like to go ahead and transplant, so my question is, what type soil should I use? Is it ok to go with the Miracle Growth? If I do go with MG, does it provide...
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    Going to give it a shot! hows it look so far?

    Hey dsmfreaks: how do you power your 2 fans??? And how many outlets are you using to run the lights (are they all on the same wall outlet)?
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    Newbie needs help (Lighting)

    Thanks for the advice... Its really appreciated. When I transplant them, do I remove them from the rockwool? What type soil is good to use? I've heard good and bad about Miracle growth... should I use that 1??? Any advice on what I should do about my one plant that's drooping down?
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    Newbie needs help (Lighting)

    Hey Fellas... This is my first try at this and I need a little help getting started. I bought 2 small plants that are about 2" tall (1 "Grand daddy Purple" and 1 "G-13"). I have a 35 Gal Rubbermaid container that I will line with Mylar. I have 2, 42watt cfl lights I have 2, 26watt clf lights...
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    HazyEyes grow journal from begin to end

    Your camera has a memory card right? put the card into your laptop or computer and the folder containing your pics should open automatically. When you upload your pics to this site, you will probably need to select drive F: or G:
  14. F

    New Grow 2nd try All CFL Rubbermaid

    hey haxxor19, How do you power the computer fans?