New Grow 2nd try All CFL Rubbermaid


Active Member
My fans are powered by old cell phone chargers all you have to do is cut the fan wires so all you have it just the black and red wire and strip them back to the actual wire then do the same with the cell phone charger. Just snip off the end and strip the wires back then just connect the wires with your own method (ex: splices, electrical tape wire caps etc.)


Well-Known Member
the size of the pot will depend on how big you want the plant to be.....either way I will lay out my system very quick.. I put a seed in a moist paper towel inside a ziplock back seal it up and it goes in a dark warm place 48 hours later I have a tap root, I take the seedling and put it in a moist rocwool cube, under 26w cfls 1-2 days later i have a stem and leaves I take a 32oz cup put a hole on the side 2 inches up from the bottom.. fill 3/4 with perlite put the rocwool cube with the seedling in cover the cube with perlite and away we go......

xs goat

This setup is nice man. im looking to do something the exact same way, thought about doing a pc grow but 2 rubbermaids seem way better. what are the temps looking like now? 98 sounds deathly

hope everything turns out good :bigjoint: