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  1. J

    250watt hps is it worth it?

    I am not growing in a closet, but I do use cfl's through seed or cloneing and veg to 20 1nches. I then use a 600w hps, you may not need as many watts, to flower. Your ventalation may make the decision for you!
  2. J

    Advice on Girl

    You must have mistaken riu for dr. laura
  3. J

    Ky|e's First hydro run...lucas formula

    What type of lighting or you useing.
  4. J

    How long do i keep seedlings under CFLs?

    I keep seedlings untill veg, about one and a half months, under 24 hour of clf lighting before I move them to the flower room
  5. J

    cfl question for seeds 85 watt

    I normall use clones but wonted to expand my selection. So I am germinating 8 seeds, They have opened and I have them Under 3 100w it says. I wont to use this 85 watt with a hood . Is this going to be enough to bring then through veg till I move them into the flower room, 1000w of light, 600w...
  6. J

    Trimming help wanted

    dont trim tem they are the power source of your plant All the experience growers have told me not to trim. I grow under lights and still dont trim them
  7. J

    Two Months and no Buds?

    I ususlly start flowering stage at 20 or so inches with saltiva they tend to take longer to flower. If you have enough room to grow because they will get big. Good Luck
  8. J

    Can you use too much fan?

    If you are having a problem with heat the 6" fan is best . I just put in a 4" in boster fan, But it depends on how long the run is and is it smooth or corragated. These factors have a lot of play on how much you are really moving. I orded a 6" fane to compensate for the short fall.
  9. J

    question ready to transition to flowering

    I dont know about a day of darkness, I never done it couldnt hurt I suppose. Just the same I dont and , no problem. I think that the three weeks are transition and dont use any bud builders till I have a good bloom starting. good luck
  10. J

    diffrent ways to tie up ur bud

    I take wire, its plastic coated bought in the gardening shop its a lite guage. wrap the wire around a pencil or any small round object. It can be used to hold up or bend a fast growing branch to the side to open up the middle and even your canopy. It takes a little pratice but it works well for me
  11. J

    need cfl experience

    I just finished a grow from clons and felt like I wasnt getting good clones and your crop is only as good asyour starter clones, any way I dicided to start this grow from seed, So orderd some kik as strains. They have all germinated and i wont to use 85 watt cfl equal to 300 watt incondescent...
  12. J

    ok this is a ? about cloning/cuttings

    just go to cloning marijuana vidios, and there are many cloning vidios that will show you the exact spot to cut. Good luck its easyer than you think.
  13. J

    light from the start...

    My last grow from clones was so-so. So I decided to go with seeds.So I ordered some great strains (fem). from hivina. I am using four 60w cfls. I wont this ggriw to start right and wont to use a 85w with a starnd socket. This is what i wont to use. Please check it out and let me know Product...
  14. J

    Out of space - help please!!!

    I just had that problem and finally ended up useing wire, thin a guage coated with plastic they come in small packages in the garden area or the electrical department. I wraped the wire around a pin or pincel or other small round object. to make a nice twisted spril and screw it on the branch...
  15. J

    A few Outdoor Lowryder#1's

    This is great I just recieved five low rider seedsin the mail today. I amtwo germinating allready. What do you think about the two plants in the same pot. Wont one choke out the other.
  16. J

    nivina seeds have come

    I just recieved five strains of plants from nivina. I was kind of worried after reading about them in the RIU. But they came one week to the day. Now I havent germinated any yet,I do have two soaking for outdoors and plan to test 4 strains in my grow room under 600w hps and one 400w mh.I plan to...
  17. J

    fox farm is the answer?

    I think the GH program is the best for the complete grow if you go by their program.As for cost I have never brought their ( foxfarm) complete program
  18. J

    Trust this cheap pH Meter?

    I suffered through this problen. When you add some nuts they are brown and discolors the water. I broke down and bought a ph meter about 45$. and it works like a charm and I feel bood after taking the PH and know I am accurate.
  19. J

    One square feet growing area, I need 5000 lumens, how many bulbs do I need?

    true,the more the better heat shouldht be a problem, but I have never grown in a box.
  20. J

    after germination question.. please leave sum input

    The bag seed I started last thursday ( 7days) and its 2 1/2 working on first set of leaves. I hope that fem. seed tdont take a long time or just not germinate. I just ordered 4 strains from nivina wating for them to arrive