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  1. D

    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    awesome grow earl :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke: are u get that root growth from a DWC? It's hard to believe you had any kind of problem...... :eyesmoke: very very nice job man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. D

    can any one help a numbi with some dwc problemes? ((pics))

    cool!! does the pump run 24/7?
  3. D

    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    That's exactly what I was thinking too :blsmoke: The GH waterfarm seems very interesting: is it a combination of drip and dwc?
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    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    thanks to all!!!!! your answers make me think about feeding time schedule... with hempy buckets, ebb&flow you need to change feeding time, following the plants need... probably DWC is more simple because all you need to do is setting bubbles time :mrgreen: I think the main problem will be to...
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    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    Thanks doctor! but If I understand well, dwc should have faster grow rate rather than hempy bucket...... and hempy bucket seems to me more difficoult to feeding as you have to do it manually every time....
  6. D

    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    thanks ozma!! space should not be a problem cause the growroom is 1x1,5 meters, about 3 meters height :hump: Aeroponics is really interesting, but I cannot find pics of HUGE aeroponics plants......... usually I find SOG pics on aero I also think that DWC is cheaper and more forgiving rather...
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    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    anyone? ... I've heard that dwc can grow bigger roots, but aereoponics has the fastest grow rate.... wich is the best method for growing big plants?
  8. D

    Why would you put Curing jars in the fridge

    I've heard that putting jar of buds in the fridge will preserve taste and high for a longer time.... but I have never tried by myself... the harvest always finish too soon :cry::blsmoke:
  9. D

    Best hydro method for two BIG plants

    Hi to all :mrgreen: I was wondering which is the best method for growing 2 big clones in a massive set-up - 2x600watt HPS I'm thinking about building 2 big bucket for DWC.... my biggest question is about vegging time, because I really need they grow HUGE before flowering..... I have some...