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  1. bigfatbillyblunter

    Urgent please

    using the ionics bloom & boost still on half dose thru fear.
  2. bigfatbillyblunter

    Urgent please

    dont think it overwatering & PH says 6.8 although the mtr could be wrong. thanx for your input tho.
  3. bigfatbillyblunter

    Urgent please

    I dont think its nute burn same dose with others & they ok. i been lookin up & have the conclusion that its either calcium def or toxicity, but with just over 3 wks left is there any hope. can any1 help. stay away from miracle grow i got 2 of the 5 in tye shit & they stretched more than others...
  4. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    There,s some real children on this thread. not been a member long but ive been totally ignored on this BS uk thread. you would think all the weed gettin grown everyone would lighten up. ive barred myself frm this thread.
  5. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    any1 tell me what im likely to yield off 4 exodus cheese & 1 amnesia haze with a 250w HID.
  6. bigfatbillyblunter

    just starting to navigate this site myself & came across your pics, amazin just totally jealous...

    just starting to navigate this site myself & came across your pics, amazin just totally jealous. cant do much here in uk but indoor grows. limited to a 250w HID at the moment. another paycut on wages & juice is pricey. just sayin hello, keep it up & take it easy bro.
  7. bigfatbillyblunter

    Welcome New Members!

    my first few grows i used john innes and 3 good crops t boot off a 125w CFL. this time i got miracle grow expanding shite & dnt rate it much. my strawberries are boomin in big pots outside. but 2 of the 4 exodus cheese are showing sighns of calcium def. or so i can gather. like rust spots. they...
  8. bigfatbillyblunter

    Welcome New Members!

    heres a few pics of my latest grow folks tell me what u rkn. Soil grow > 250w HID. 4x exodus cheese(topped ) & 1 amnesia haze (should av topped ) 5wks 4days left for the cheese & an extra week or 2 for the haze. does any1 rate the ionics bloom & boost. seems ok i never had problems with ph. had...
  9. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    these are my plants nearly 3week of flower on a 250w HID any reason to jib the ionics
  10. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    does any1 rate the ionics bloom & the boost. i running out soon & was thinkin abt tryin something else. some u sayin earlier abt ph but ive found with the ionics it hovers around 7ph the whole grow. both meters work fine. gonna deffo try a coco gro next as its re usable & less ph troubles.
  11. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    bad news for all them down south with grows n that, all the leccy goin an shit weather to put your buds out in an emergency. stretchy stretchy. there a stream by us in scouse land its nearly burstin, another foot it be on road & in houses. fuckin leccy went up recently my bird said she has...
  12. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    europe is supposed to be a union yeah well why is weed illegal here & not in the dam. ONE rule for all. i got videos on youtube boys n girls > mrbigbud75
  13. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i had fly agaric about 18 year ago picked this red with white spots like in kids books while lookin for jelly heads in rice lane farm oppo waltan nick, me & my m8s cut in2 quarters an downed the skin. fuck me woooaahh never had any since although av looked but seasons gone to shit. i have...
  14. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    aah what cute little bunny's eating the ganja on tha avatar . Did u skin the fuckers
  15. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    nah its well to l8 m8 now for a outdoor grow, maybe if u had a mature plant to put out. IMHO save till next year and germ it abt march april get it in sun for may. or just get a 125 w cfl u would get atleast 1oz off that rather than waste a seed popping it now. just moved from cfl to a 250w HID...
  16. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i come across some really thin copper sheeting in work like coke can thin. would there be any benefit apart from killing slugs if i was to line my pots with this. like pruning roots or would it just be toxic to it. not that there will be slugs in my room mind. does any1 knowi if not im thinking...
  17. bigfatbillyblunter

    hello there friend, just been reading your post about your luck with GHS & that u growing ther...

    hello there friend, just been reading your post about your luck with GHS & that u growing ther exodus cheese. I bought ten seeds only 6 have made it. i germed 5 and 1 was a dud, 2 died after a week. then germed another 5 of which one died. leaving me 6 plants and 2 of them are not looking very...
  18. bigfatbillyblunter

    The UK Growers Thread!

    My 1st post here from uk hello all. got me sum Exodus cheese from GHS growin. first grow with HID but 4-5 grows with cfls. im running a 250w sodium. anybody heard about this new sulphur HID bulb.