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  1. qwerty

    Favorite Rapper Or Rap Song

    fuck dicks
  2. qwerty

    What's Growing On here.........

    rabble rabble rabble
  3. qwerty

    Favorite Rapper Or Rap Song

    fuck rap !!
  4. qwerty

    i love rock n roll

    no hendrix? you disappoint me
  5. qwerty

    i love rock n roll

    pink floyd isnt mellow lol?
  6. qwerty

    are my eyes red??

    lol what ur gonna take him out with visine. death by eye drops
  7. qwerty

    need help

    depends on your setup strains etc
  8. qwerty

    Wow Seeds!!!!!!!

    who knows maybe im a cop
  9. qwerty

    Seeds in Buds, what should I do?

    either that or u got youself a hermie
  10. qwerty

    The person below me thread

    true the person below me loves the cock
  11. qwerty

    help! one of my plants stopped growing

    looks like overwatering to me
  12. qwerty

    New Called Mint

    salvia makes u hallucinate hardcore only people who get no effect are the ones who dont inhale and smoke like its a cigar. newbie smokers....
  13. qwerty

    Electrical Wiring Help?

    your living in the past just touch random wires together and hope for the best
  14. qwerty

    My plant has a 10 inch stalk...

    u got no right to be angry u should have recognized that stretch before it got that out of hand.
  15. qwerty

    Imus ...

    lol hes a redneck why is it so shocking that a redneck says something ignorant. whats next one of george bush's new words making the dictionary
  16. qwerty


    lol get off the forums ur a joke
  17. qwerty

    grow room setup help

    dont worry peter pan u can fly as long as you BELEIVE
  18. qwerty

    Getting to London

    lol thats rich
  19. qwerty

    cant find what is wrong with seedlings.

    drooping usually means over waterign but cant be sure without pics