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  1. DoctorGreen

    DNA Kushberry and LA Woman, and Reserva Privada Kandy Kush 4 Weeks into Flowering

    Subscribed, I just picked up some Kandy Kush from Reserva and DNA Kushberry along with a few others... That Kandy looks awesome, I'm excited about that one. Your ladies look great. Rep+ Keep it up!
  2. DoctorGreen

    G13 Power Skunk fo' FREE

    I grew a couple g13 PS and they sucked. Just like everyone else says, stretchy, wispy buds, grows 5ft tall. I spent more time tying these girls down then anything else. I liked the g13 Durban Poison Fem. I got free tho. I had her for a mother for a year and loved her like a sister. So...
  3. DoctorGreen

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Rep+ You're the man.
  4. DoctorGreen

    400W DIY Tent Journal - Multiple Strains, Perpetual Harvest

    Hooo Buddy, did I have some fun with that grow tent! I ran 25 6" pots 12/12 for 8 weeks on a rotation for something like 6 pots every 2 weeks. The bud was good enough with only 8 weeks of flower and I had a rotation and limited space so out they went at week #8. FFOF, Grow Big, and Big...
  5. DoctorGreen

    Sexing @ seeds

    I've read that if a seedling has at least 4" of soil for a taproot then you have around an 80/20 chance for females. Works for me so far.
  6. DoctorGreen

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    Thats crazy, he should have known that would kill him. I've blacked out playing video games and woken up hours later with blisters on my thumbs. HUGE blisters covering the entire end of both my thumbs. My hands were locked onto the controllers. I had to pry them off. Thats why I quit...
  7. DoctorGreen

    Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

    I went camping a couple years ago with a bunch of my family, and it was getting cold so I dug out my camo army jacket I wear when camping, and I found a teener in the jacket pocket! Must have been at least 2 years since I'd been camping. SCORE! BTW, how coked out do you have to be to lose...
  8. DoctorGreen

    400W DIY Tent Journal - Multiple Strains, Perpetual Harvest

    I'm stoked about the Violator, I just traded one for a FEM Whiteberry and planted that bitch right away. I've got Blue Mystic, Jock Horror, Violator Kush, Whiteberry, Power Skunk, Durban Poison, and some Skunk Bagseed all growing right NOW! I'm in stoner heaven!
  9. DoctorGreen

    florida outdoor and indoor

    Bummer dude. You need to setup booby-traps like pitfalls, poison arrows, the old trick where you bend a big tree branch way back and rig it to the sativa... Fuckers...
  10. DoctorGreen

    400W DIY Tent Journal - Multiple Strains, Perpetual Harvest

    Its been 2 whole days! Cleaned up my tent a little, recieved my 10lbs of activated charcoal. Workin' on the filter this weekend. Should have the mylar soon too. #1 Jock Horror, with all her new sidebranching, and so young too... #2 My kids
  11. DoctorGreen

    G13 Power Skunk fo' FREE

    Google 'Attitude Seeds'
  12. DoctorGreen

    G13 Power Skunk fo' FREE

    We've put in 3 orders and got double billed on 1 order, but I sent 2 emails and got it refunded. I've heard a lot of creepy shit about attitude charging xtra money to people's credit cards. I'd do it again but I use a card that only has a $500 limit, and I'd check my transactions so you can...
  13. DoctorGreen

    400W DIY Tent Journal - Multiple Strains, Perpetual Harvest

    Bought some FFOF. need a little more than I bought. I'm stretching it thin at this point. Started LST on my second biggest skunk.
  14. DoctorGreen

    florida outdoor and indoor

    Looks like your in business my friend! Happy smoking and looking after bananas to you.
  15. DoctorGreen

    "TRIPLOID weed, not Haploid!"

    Upon closer inspection, it looks like it has 4 branches on one of the growths. It needs a little more time to fill in but I'll have some pics when it does. I guess we'll have to clone this thing. Hopefully its female...
  16. DoctorGreen

    400W DIY Tent Journal - Multiple Strains, Perpetual Harvest

    Yeah, I ditched the reflectors. My kids didn't like 'em. Plus I'm paranoid about mold/fungus since the beginning of my grow wasn't so hot... I'm going to veg until the Indica's are a foot tall or until the first LST'd sativa wraps all the way around the pot its in now. I'll transplant into...
  17. DoctorGreen

    "TRIPLOID weed, not Haploid!"

    The growth that you would clone doesn't have 3 sets of leaves. Kinda weird. I can't tell yet if we cloned, if it would be a 2 leafer or a 3 leafer, looks like a 2 leafer if we cloned.
  18. DoctorGreen

    "TRIPLOID weed, not Haploid!"

    any requests for specific pics of the Triploid? I'll take pics of the nodes tonight when I get home. The node's leafs & branching alternate in a 3-way pattern. the new higher node's leafs split the space between the node's leafs below it. 1/6 of a turn...
  19. DoctorGreen

    "TRIPLOID weed, not Haploid!"

    That is a Triploid Skunk Bagseed. LOOK. Theres 3 leafs
  20. DoctorGreen

    "TRIPLOID weed, not Haploid!"

    This is some skunk bagseed that your looking at above