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  1. TTT

    92 ' is this too hot?

    is there a way to reactavate the charcoal? I've got a beefey can fan and canfilter set up
  2. TTT

    when to clone

    I would give it about 2-3 weeks for best results
  3. TTT

    ya I know another clone question

    so ya cant just cut it just above each node and get 4-4 clones off each branch?
  4. TTT

    ya I know another clone question

    I was wondering how many clones you can get out of one long branch.the only was I can describe it is it has one growing tip and about 4 nodes with 2 leaves on each node and just little bumps where the new shoots are starting at the node/leaf intersections.So can I chop the same branch 3-4 times...
  5. TTT


    I just got a sample of hesi root comples and I was wondering if you know how to use it with best results for cloning? do you soak the roc wool in it? use it as a leaf spray or water the mother with it before you take your cuttings or all the above?? thanks man
  6. TTT

    has anybody used "Hesi root complex" for cloning?

    so no one has heard of this product or tryed it out??
  7. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    when you pull the cube appart are the roots coming out the sides very long or do you replant when they are just a couple nubs sticking out and then tear the cude apart so you expose more roots for trans plant.?
  8. TTT

    has anybody used "Hesi root complex" for cloning?

    I'd like to hear some feed back on this product. and how you applied it? I was told to soak my roc wool in it for 24 hrs then carry on as normal and you'll get amazing roots in no time at all. like twice as many twice as fast. thanks for your time guys
  9. TTT

    hey ya oregon can you check my post on cloning again please I've got one last question then...

    hey ya oregon can you check my post on cloning again please I've got one last question then promice I wont bug ya no more lol but ceareal thanks for you tips I think you nailed my problem on cloning my next batch should be better
  10. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    hahaha my spelling kicks ass hahaha I guess I should have read it before I posted
  11. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    I've got another question about cloning.. yas ssaid not met but moist and you put me on to givin the cubes a flick of the rist to get excess water out of them now does this apply to new cuttings as well? should I get some water out of the cubes after they soak for 24 hrs or should I leave the...
  12. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    thats a great idea i would have neavre thought of that. now is it difficult to do without damaging the roots?
  13. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    most you cant tug out but I've opened the cubes up and the ends look like there swoolen fat and lumpy looking and kinda a cream colour. this occours pritty much the length of the clone that got dipped.
  14. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    lol it wont let me give yas any more but really thanks alot guys
  15. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    so as long as its 80 - 90 humid no need to spray the leaves?all you need is condensation on the sides of the dome? and one last question... when giving them a flick I knoticed one loley plant with roots ohhhhhh yaaaaaaa baby!!!!!! how long do the roots have to be before it gets transplanted...
  16. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    I'm gonna try that now as I just flushed them
  17. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    if I don't spray them won't they wilt and die?
  18. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    but if I dont spray them wont they wilt and die?
  19. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    the temp is 68-77 on average and about 80 humidity I have a papper towel over the dome to shade the clones and I have a heat pad under the tray.I just flushed them to get any fertz outta the roc wool now if its too wet in there how do I dry it out some and still keep the humidity? thanks guys...
  20. TTT

    how long can a healthy clone live with no roots? please

    if i were to recut how far up from original cut to recut?