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  1. T

    A few questions getting better yields

    Thanks for all the info guys. I really hope someone chimes in with some breeder advice. I just picked green crack and pineapple express because they are both supposed to be high energy buzzes which is my favorite. Obviously I would like a higher yield strain also. Is 4 weeks of veg time then...
  2. T

    A few questions getting better yields

    What are typical veg times? Is veg to half your max height a good starting point? I haven't done any training because I read a few things thathat say not to train autos because they can't handle the stress.
  3. T

    A few questions getting better yields

    I know this type of question is probably the most asked thing so I apologize in advance for beating this horse. So I am about done with my second grow. My first grow was fast buds autoflowers of tangiematic and six shooter. Both strains finished fast in 9 weeks from seed to cut. My yields...
  4. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    I had not thought of that.
  5. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Ok. I will check that out. I just got into the habit of checking the ph of the runoff because a tutorial had recommended it as a way to check root ph. I have been worried about over watering and under watering. I end up watering about 2x per week. 1 water. 1 with water and nutes. I am...
  6. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Huh. I never would have guessed that isn't good for them.
  7. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Coloradoclear can you suggest a particular make and model? Is there another way I should be using to figure out root ph? Buba that is exactly why I have been reluctant to post on this site looking for advice. Sometimes though it's better to just ask for help. Isn't that the point of this...
  8. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Fed them today at around 6pm. Feed was at 6.2 ph and runoff was at 7.1 or 7.0. Just got home about 5 hrs after i fed and looked at them. A few leaf tips look bright yellow like they got nute burn. Ugh.
  9. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Thanks for all the help. I got some of the roots elemental which is their calmag. 20% calcium 2% mangensium. Seems like a great ratio for calmag. I will continue to check my runoff ph. If I am watering with ph 6.5 and my runoff is roughly 7 my root ph is too high. I am thinking I should...
  10. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Supposedly with just the water the chlorine or whatever else is in it evaporates out. And I read that after mixing the nutes up you wait to let the ph stabalize. I just don't know if you are supposed to adjust it right after mixing or after letting it sit.
  11. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Quick question about nutes. I have been letting the water sit for 24hrs then for feeding adding the nutes and then adjusting the ph. I just read I should mix the nutes then let them sit 24hrs before feeding. So no my question is do I adjust ph right after mixing nutes then wait 24hrs and...
  12. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    I am using a hydrofarm hydrologic gogreen filter. And I usually let the water sit for 24hrs after I filter it.
  13. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    Sweet. 2 replies that perfectly contradict each other. I'm following the recommended feeding schedule for the roots organic stuff. The seed company does state these plants use alot of nutes.
  14. T

    Second grow. Same issue

    I am growing under COB LEDs. Lights are about 18 inches from plants running them 24/7 for now. I just had to fire up another two rows so I will likely go to a 20on 4off schedule to keep Temps down. Temps vary from upper 60s to low 70s. I am in Happy Frog soil. I am using Aurora Roots...
  15. T

    Germination in Rapid Rooter tray?

    OK at least I got the light distance correct. I am running 18 on and 6 off, but just read a bunch of stuff saying run 24 hrs a day for autos.
  16. T

    Germination in Rapid Rooter tray?

    So all the ones that sprouted already are 1 to 2 inches tall. Have their first set of leaves and are looking dark green and maybe just a smidgen droopy. They look pretty nice. I forgot to mention I am running autos. A bunch of the other seeds are looking like they are making progress now...
  17. T

    Germination in Rapid Rooter tray?

    I built some awesome COBs. So I got that going for me. Lol
  18. T

    Germination in Rapid Rooter tray?

    Shit. I watched a different video and they said fill the lower tray so that water comes up the upper tray 1/4 inch or so. This obviously made the rapid rooters wick up water and stay soggy. I am as you can tell the opposite of a green thumb. I'm wondering if I should get some more seeds...
  19. T

    Germination in Rapid Rooter tray?

    So how can I tell they are dead? They have been in their since Monday so they are 4 days in. I guess I'm confused with how much water should be in the lower tray and how moist those cubes should stay. So your saying remove the opened seeds that have just barely germinated and stick them...
  20. T

    Germination in Rapid Rooter tray?

    Ok. Last night put them under my COB setup but dimmed it down and in solos with soil. Didn't seem to grow at all since last night. They seemed a bit droopy before I put them in the solos. Like they were getting too much water in the soggy Rapid rooters. Still nervous on the others that...