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  1. uhprentis

    Good times - Making fun of an editorial outlining anti marijuana views - Priceless Enjoy, feel free to join in the fun if you care to. Because this Alana chick 'reporter' is the poster child for 'FAIL' and it is so much fun to see ZERO positive response to her article. Oh this brings...
  2. uhprentis

    Help with getting started!

    Another common 'stealth' option is a computer case. Keep in mind the limited space, however if you have little space to use for whatever reason, look into: LST (Low Stress Training) SCROG (Screen of Green) Topping (cutting a specific point to produce two tops) and finally toppings close...
  3. uhprentis

    newbie needing some cfl and flouresent help

    I want to make sure, cause link is gone you have daylight type on your list in addition to the soft whites. You want 'daylights' not soft whites to veg, the soft whites are for flowering. Try and get the 100 watt replacements with 6500K color temp (or 'daylights') as they have the blue part of...
  4. uhprentis

    Smoking Weed A SIN?

    "We must obey God rather than men. " -Acts 5:29 "See, I give you all the seed-bearing plants that are upon the whole earth, and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this shall be your food. " -Genesis 1:29 You will have to be the judge, however, I consider it medication personally...
  5. uhprentis

    My buds are small

    No not at all, it will only help. You might need to up your watering schedule a bit because the jump in light / heat will cause the plant to respirate more that it will under those incandescents. Just watch the distance to the light. Between 12-16 inches is best if you have the temprature in...
  6. uhprentis

    My buds are small

    Minimally you should immediately rotate in 100W replacement CFL's (@ Color temp of 2600 degrees 'soft whites' - do not use the 6500 degree 'daylight's). They use 23W a piece, put out better light, and most importantly give off way less heat which allows you to bring the plants close. With CFLs...
  7. uhprentis

    "Almost Ready" - The Best Method of Quick-Drying

    Besides, contrary to the 'Urban Legend': Microwaves DO NOT cook from the inside out. If an item bein microwaved is of uniform consistency and high in water content, most of the microwave energy will be absorbed by the water near the surface before it gets into the center of the item, and the...
  8. uhprentis

    Temperature Poll (VOTE ON THIS POLL!!)

    Doh, nevermind I misunderstood, tht you talking about my post lol. Nothing to see here, move along ---------------------------------------- Hey :-) It's really other references for the low end of 80F but check bottom of page 187 for this which gives the general idea: "CO2 enriched...
  9. uhprentis

    Temperature Poll (VOTE ON THIS POLL!!)

    I've been kinda lucky as I don't have great ventilation 'yet' (working on it) because of the time of year/weather. That's beginning to change and last week we had a few unseasonably warm days, around 65F at night, where the temps hovered around 82-84. That's changed for now and I figure I have...
  10. uhprentis

    Seedling Nute burn (corrected with flush) = overwatering - H2O2 question

    They are doing 'way' better. The one that looked real bad lost the first two nodes of it's leaves (the 1 and 3 leaf nodes) it was so bad but it has bounced back in a huge way. Had only the 5 leaf node left and now the 7 and 9 are in and it's doing nicely. I guess I needed a smack upside the...
  11. uhprentis

    what does it say on your debit or credit statement when you buy seeds?

    IMO, just go to a 7-11and get a money order and find a seed bank who accepts. Also IMO, it's more important that the shipping address is not the place you grow. I don't have anywhere to ship to other than my place so I just don't do it at all (sigh...). (edit for some details :-)) One last...
  12. uhprentis

    Seedling Nute burn (corrected with flush) = overwatering - H2O2 question

    Thanks man, I appreciate the tips. I totally just let myself do most of this crap pretty much knowing it was not smart.
  13. uhprentis

    Calling "bullshit" on Change .org

    I have an answer...fight evil with evil....let's see who would have about the most to benefit were the prohibition of marijauana eliminated How about RJ Reynollds, phillip Morris, etc? I hear tell they still have some spare $$$ lying around.
  14. uhprentis

    Seedling Nute burn (corrected with flush) = overwatering - H2O2 question

    Hmm, I didn't read my own link too far it seems. There are listed differences in the makeup of the two lower in the page, besisdes what is called 'technical grade' I miststook for 'grocery grade' hehe. Still would like any feedback or opinions.....
  15. uhprentis

    Seedling Nute burn (corrected with flush) = overwatering - H2O2 question

    Ok, So I'm new here and I'm doing my first grow. I have 3 bag seed plants on week 1.5 now and they got nute burned about 4 days ago (I know...I 'wigged' out and added nutes before I should've :oops:) Anyhow, I was seriously worried they were goners because they were so young and I didn;t want...
  16. uhprentis

    Calling "bullshit" on Change .org

    I agree, just want to add the caveat that congress and the senate are supposed to be setup specifically to handle many many issues in order that they can avoid halting progress whenevr they come to an impasse. Also, given that the economy is one of the major issues, if not 'the' most major...
  17. uhprentis

    Personal experience - rate your top seedback, 'but' in relation to stealth shipping

    You had me until "as long as you don't live in...." ROFL, Thanks though sir.
  18. uhprentis

    Stealth 400 Watt Cooltube Dresser Cab Construction

    Absolutly agree with Cannabolic on the CFL for ease. So many things to work out with HPS in that space while maintaining stealth. The fact that it's stealth implies one cant be opening it later all the time to fix stuff and with the potentials for heat problems it's probably best to go that...
  19. uhprentis

    Personal experience - rate your top seedback, 'but' in relation to stealth shipping

    ***crap I can't edit title can i?.....hat supposed to be seedbank obviously***** Hey, I have been lurking here for like 2 months, smoking for more than half my life (20 years now, I'm 37). I'm working on a real small grow now and I used baag seed. I 'never' would keep seed from anything I...