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  1. dvdr

    Input Appreciated

    ********SHORTER VERSION************* In an attempt to make things easier for you - so you have more free time... probably to sit around being baked and spacing out ;), i have simplified my post to three questions: 1. which LED light would provide adequate lighting for 2 plants in a 3x2 grow...
  2. dvdr

    Input Appreciated

    thanks for the replies - and sorry i wrote so much, i just have so many things running through my head these days that i wanted to spit them out 1) to get your feedback and 2) just to get the thoughts in my head a little clearer. Cheeckako, i think you are absolutely right. early on LEDs got a...
  3. dvdr

    two parts of my indoor growing setup - thoughts appreciated!

    Howdy all, Just joined the site last night while doing extensive research on setting up a small, two plant, indoor grow op. It's my first attempt and I have decided upon using LED lights while trying to make my own Drip Feeder and Ebb&Flow hydroponic system. After lots of looking around I...
  4. dvdr

    two parts of my indoor growing setup..

    Howdy all, Just joined the site last night while doing extensive research on setting up a small, two plant, indoor grow op. It's my first attempt and I have decided upon using LED lights while trying to make my own Drip Feeder and Ebb&Flow hydroponic system. After lots of looking around I...
  5. dvdr

    Drip Feed vs Ebb & Flow, benefits of either (ignore section on LEDs)

    Howdy all, Just joined the site last night while doing extensive research on setting up a small, two plant, indoor grow op. It's my first attempt and I have decided upon using LED lights while trying to make my own Drip Feeder and Ebb&Flow hydroponic system. After lots of looking around I...
  6. dvdr

    Input Appreciated

    Howdy all, Just joined the site last night while doing extensive research on setting up a small, two plant, indoor grow op. It's my first attempt and I have decided upon using LED lights while trying to make my own Drip Feeder and Ebb&Flow hydroponic system. After lots of looking around I...