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  1. muffromper1

    Thread of Great Builds at Great prices.

    impressive design, where did you get you equipment? How many grows have you used it on?
  2. muffromper1

    Just an idea I had

    They are pretty expensive for cfls, thats almost 100 for just the bulbs id go for a cheap mh light What about this?
  3. muffromper1

    Thread of Great Builds at Great prices.

    In this thread i would like to see some complete builds at reasonable prices. I think it can get pretty overwhelming trying to get a list of equipment and materials together, So i'm gonna give it ago for the lazy's. This build Is a great starting build for someone looking to get a hydroponics...
  4. muffromper1

    ugh i cant figure it out

    It doesn't appear to deep a green, but ill keep a close eye on the leaves for the next couple weeks, see if i need to drop my feed down. I' actually broke my camera(phone) the other day, so it may be a while till i have a new one. But i appreciate the help. and hopefully the future help i may...
  5. muffromper1

    ugh i cant figure it out

    I might look into one, but i don't like to buy cheap equipment, and im really only doing these soil ones, for two mother plant for my Hydro setup. This is my first time actually growing in dirt, Really annoys me that i can manage a grow in hydro but struggle in soil. Hehe.
  6. muffromper1

    ugh i cant figure it out

    The picture was taken right before i fed them for the first time. so I dont think so, But my feeding program seems to be working all new growth is a dark solid green, no new yellowing apparent.
  7. muffromper1

    ugh i cant figure it out

    im gonna feed tonight after i get off work, i never woulda imagined i would have trouble in soil. never really had any bad problems in my hydro, runs.
  8. muffromper1

    Can I wait another two weeks to harvest?

    Haha a saying to remember
  9. muffromper1

    First time grower, long time fan.

    I recommend some lst, bend the plants some to fill the empy space between so there is more large colas, plants look really healthy though, should taste great.
  10. muffromper1

    Hello and welcome to my grow - How does it sound?

    Well a little more info is needed to tell the weight you may get, How are you managing the plants growth? are you assureing even light distribution to the future colas?, do plan on trimming the bottem of the canopy to assure you dont waste nutrients on the lower branchs?
  11. muffromper1

    Can I wait another two weeks to harvest?

    Haha, i never thought id see the day, a grower uses the newb insult. Its clear where your head is Good to see your building you rep by regretting coming to help someone.
  12. muffromper1

    Can I wait another two weeks to harvest?

    Anyone say self centered jackass to egotistic to admit There wrong? Rock on colocowboy, no ones ever gonna discover new methods of madness if fools like this are to busy picking fights instead of trying to win battles.
  13. muffromper1

    Can I wait another two weeks to harvest?

    Well im sorry you clearly didn't read it correct, I told him to sterilize his room, then told him to look into a method of killing mites, No need for you to try and push blame to me for you posting negative without seeing if it was actually needed first.
  14. muffromper1

    Can I wait another two weeks to harvest?

    I never said bleech the plants I said bleach the room
  15. muffromper1

    First grow - How and when to select a mother plant?

    Well I would take the best looking plant. Looking at which has the most nodes.,which grew the fastest .extra and you can put a plant into flower on just one branch by covering it with thick black plastic bag so it only gets 12 hrs it will show sex
  16. muffromper1

    So I got this friend growin weed in his car right..

    Think if I add a sunroof it will boost my Watt per sq ft?
  17. muffromper1

    Possible first time disaster (male?herme?) Ugrent!!

    Well if the plant has pollen sacks get it out fast, if its just a few random seeds then the pollen that did come from Said place has probably already done its damage, but hey if its a good strain, you may end up with regular seeds to keep her around a bit longer. Do you see broken pollen sacks?
  18. muffromper1

    High temps!

    Is there some spare room in your grow box? if its letting out to much light with a fan make a wall to shield the exit from the light, lots of options to stop light exit/entering and a cheap exaust can be made for 10 bucks easy