Can I wait another two weeks to harvest?

Hi guys, first time here, and this is my first time growing.

I don't know what strain it is since I grew accidentally from bag-seeds. I basically just tossed few seeds in my backyard and one of them just grew, and it turned out to be female. I moved it indoor while still at vegging, just so I can learn how to grow indoor.

Vegging went very successfully, but during flowering, the first sight of sex didn't show until more than 2 weeks later, and since I didn't take too much care of it for 3 weeks, the temperature went too high and my leaves edges went yellow. Also had spider mites problem causing all those white dots on my leaves, so I cut a lots of bad leaves.

Then I took good care of it for more than 3 weeks, around 80F temp, killed most spider mites, and looks like it didn't give up on me. Below are pictures at 8 weeks flowering. I used high nitrogen nutrients at vegging, only give few times high phosphate nutrients at early flowering stage, and water since then. I know this plant looks pretty crappy, but I just want to ask if I can wait another couple of weeks for bigger harvest.

Also, look at the bottom of the plant, there are still new flowers popping out, I am planning on doing partial harvest over 7-10 days.



Well-Known Member
i would wait 3-4 weeks with that.... its not even close to done.....

P.S: as long as there are white spots on your leaves, there are spider mites. next time be clean.


Id bleach the room and the main walking space from room, if theres any sign of mites! i also would read up on plant soaking to kill them, not much experience with it but i hear it works on mild mite problems


Active Member
you should definitely wait until at least the 25th, the moon will be at its max orbit from the earth, meaning the nutrients and fluids in your plant will be drawn down into the root system. i would start flushing immediately up until the 25th, for the best results during curing and eventually clean smoke


Well-Known Member
you should definitely wait until at least the 25th, the moon will be at its max orbit from the earth, meaning the nutrients and fluids in your plant will be drawn down into the root system. i would start flushing immediately up until the 25th, for the best results during curing and eventually clean smoke

i wouldn;t believe a word ethier of these guys say.

never bleach your plants. use neem oil.

the moon doesnt effect marijuana, it effects the tides. if it effected weed the winter would be a prighty har time to grow in......

you plant needs 3-4 more weeks because the calyxses have not swollen, the pistols have not turned brown and the Trich's still need to mature.
Thanks for all the above suggestion anyways. I been spray my plant with neem oil before, I will thoroughly spray them with water for few days before lights off, heard that works as well.

Do leaves repair those white spots btw?


Well-Known Member
What kind of nutes are you using? Organic? Chemical?

Don't listen to anyone that tells you to flush. Do the research on pros and cons of flushing and form your own opinion.


Well-Known Member
yea on outdoor gardens the moon has an effect on crops, for a few reasons. buy gravity is not one of them. plant grown in gravity-less environments grow much larger and more wild. the gravity of the moon mainly effects the tides.

@Larian1983 spray your plant with neem oil once every 2 days for the next week. neem doesnt hurn plants iff you wash it off with water the next day.

you cant just spray them here and there, you have to disrupt the breeding cycle of the spider mites. which cycles in 6 days.

P.S: if your not here to help. dont post anything.


Well-Known Member
not true, it affects even if they never see it (indoor)
it would help if you did some research, it's not a secret do a google search and learn something (what an a - hole) you talk like you know it all and you clearly don't
might be the most efficient thing you ever do
try dusting the lowers and stalks with some diatomaceous earth and get the air moving on top to drive em into it for the mites


Active Member
yea on outdoor gardens the moon has an effect on crops, for a few reasons. buy gravity is not one of them. plant grown in gravity-less environments grow much larger and more wild. the gravity of the moon mainly effects the tides.
There really is no argument here, you are only showing your ignorance.

The effect of 0 G allows the specimen to focus its growth to the above ground portion of the plant while still being free to develop the root system. The stresses created by introducing a gravitational field force the fluids into the root structure, which over time the plants learns to adapt to. We don't live in a 0 G environment, we have to account for the changes in gravity presented by the moon because it does affect the movement of fluids inside plants.



i wouldn;t believe a word ethier of these guys say.

never bleach your plants. use neem oil.

the moon doesnt effect marijuana, it effects the tides. if it effected weed the winter would be a prighty har time to grow in......

you plant needs 3-4 more weeks because the calyxses have not swollen, the pistols have not turned brown and the Trich's still need to mature.
I never said bleech the plants I said bleach the room


Well-Known Member
actualy i use a farmers almanac, if you even know WTF that is, friend. and the moon has very little effect on indoor plants, unless they SEE the moon. do a search on Moonlight and Biorhythms you should get lots of university studies, maybe even learn something.

and i bet i know alot more than you, knowing MANY breeders personaly. people such as Subcool, and Soma.

heres a sample of some of MY product...... a breed i call Turpentine. View attachment 1785444

P.S: next time you want to say i dont know something..... make sure you DO actualy know it.

i also would read up on plant soaking to kill them
then put it into context next time. because i read it as you wanted him to bleach his plants.


Well-Known Member
REALY?!?! click on the link your damn self you retard. its GARDENING. it ends IN NOVEMBER. hence when the OUTDOOR GARDENING season ends.

seriously man. get a brain and use it.

Edit: Since i know your to stupid to click the link and read it, heres an excerpt.
10th-11th Plant Root Crops, Where Climate Permits. Good Days For Transplanting.
Where Climate Permits. outdoor. now go back to your hole.


Well-Known Member
Where do you think they get the info from, they gather it and make easy for a simpleton such as yourself to get the almanac and preach about its usefulness, much like you did.
retard? You can't even follow a simple thought. Name dropping like that qualifies you to shoot your mouth off, just proving your quality. Good show!

**You just start name calling, nice. Since your too stupid to read the thing is based on lunar cycles. Seriously you should stay in school son and get one of those degrees instead of pretending like you have the intellect or education to back up your statements.
Sorry to the thread starter for having to school the child. Do a bit of google searching you will get the truth you don't need cap't ass hat to tell you.


then put it into context next time. because i read it as you wanted him to bleach his plants.
Well im sorry you clearly didn't read it correct, I told him to sterilize his room, then told him to look into a method of killing mites, No need for you to try and push blame to me for you posting negative without seeing if it was actually needed first.


Well-Known Member
shooting my mouth off? piss off and learn something.

im actualy helping this guy, what have you done? bitched about the moon.

i have a rep around here on the forum, for KEEPING THE INFO STRAIGHT. that qualify's me to shoot me mouth off when people are saying BS unprovable claims.

so far i have disproved everything you have said about the moon, with quotes included. you have yet to come up with a single piece of viable information.

Well im sorry you clearly didn't read it correct, I told him to sterilize his room, then told him to look into a method of killing mites, No need for you to try and push blame to me for you posting negative without seeing if it was actually needed first.
#1, your posting on a forum. it HAS TO be put into context or people with misinterprate it. especialy when you only take 10 seconds to make a full post.
#2 it is your bad. you were the one who posted it in a way that could have been mis informing.

if you dont want to take my advice then go fuck around with your plants untill you figure it out. as simple as that.


Well-Known Member
He is just a flamer, Mr. Knowitall types crapping all over with his diarrhea. Anyone with half an intellect understood what you meant.


Well-Known Member
oh, and i might as well add, at this point.... that i have a degree in horticulture from the malaspina university program held at Vancouver island university. im a certified horticultural technician.

if you want to keep going, i can and will.