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  1. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    No mate nothing will find out end of the month its proper wank matey
  2. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sorry to hear the bad news rambo its a fuckin shitter man!!! My pc was clean and me phone but deleting txts dont do shit cuz they can back trace up to 9 months worth of data maybe more scottish your safe as pc was wiped a month prior to the incident but as for phone calls and txts if they wanna...
  3. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers man yeh I hope mine goes the same way I know folk who have done far worse and caught red handed and still got fuck all but a bit of cs so I hope all goes well. I know theres a few texts off folk round my way but they need evidence and a msg dont mean much without the proof
  4. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Haha yeh ill keep that in mind I aint getting behind the wheel till I get me licsence back now fuck that shit its cost me shit loads mate im on me arse not good
  5. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    It was wiped about 3 weeks before they took it and I delete everyrhing so shouldnt be much on there? But as u know I dont know much bout comps so they could be doing anything on it fuck knows??? Theyve also got 3 phones which are still on contract what we are still paying for takes the piss man
  6. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hahahahaha with a pistol lmao only just got the sub machine gun bout fookin time. I keep getting me arse raped online
  7. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ahhh dont say that man I want it back lol the thieving scumbags. Hope u getthat sorted man thats a shitter mate
  8. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Lol yeh thought u had a new name mate lol obvioulsy got that fucker wrong haha typical me! my old accounts all good just dont wanma useit till I get my laptop back.
  9. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ha ha ha mad head
  10. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well now youve popped on don thats fucked my head a bit thought I had it sussed lmao
  11. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    No never heard of that indi?? Sounds fun tho dont know whats up with me at the min thinknits cuz I aint growin im proper bored out me tree!!! All this stuff seems a bit hard to get hold of round my way so ill just stick to the mushys lol immgoing pickimg 2morrow hopefully should getba few...
  12. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Order me some then hahahaha
  13. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Just been reading how to exteact dmt from sum sort of tree bark jeeeez its a bit complicated think ill stick to pickin mushies and smokin weed thimk dmt would twist my tiny mind and leave me fucked up. Fuck it im a go searching for fly agarics there suppose to be strong aint they?.
  14. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ahhhh think ive realised who r u are now lol. Yeh imwant dmt lol but everyone who ive asked dont know what im on about so im just gonma get more shrooms and double the dose I wanna see shit and hear sounds and stuff the giggles was fun but I want more lmao. Ive never had acid only shrooms there...
  15. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    How the fuck do I get my hands on some dmt? After those mushys I want some of the good stuff lol. Still going picking this week tho cant wait. Ive always made a brew with them after drying em can u just eat them dry I aint no shroom expert by a long shot I know what to look for just dont know...
  16. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Eveyonea got a diff biew on things just do what u want but tbh flushing domt make much of a diff if any from my experience if you dont wanna feed base nures in last week or so just feed em with molasses and ph with lemon juice..but after feeding them for 8 weeks then cutting it off for the last...
  17. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Theres a few on here in grow in soil mate what medium u got? If your in coco just start reducing the amount your feeding anout 2-3 weeks before harvest depending how much youve been feeding them. I did that to one of my gth and didnt notice much difference tbh compared to the ones I flushed so...
  18. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    There your plants aint they lemon so if u wanna flush then flush or try npt to flush 1 and see if there any difference mate at the end of the day there your plants so do what u want with them mate. I use to use coco which I flushed but if organics in soil you dont need to flush mate well thats...
  19. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well last night was fun me and me mate had 80 mushies between us and just pissed ourselves all night was funny as fuck. Watching xfactor and downton abbey and just thought everything was hilarious defo gonna get some more...I just dont like that sick feeling they give ya. Think it took me about...
  20. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Easy sae how do? Go on badger tell the twat to do one lol sum1 had to. Ive just chucked a big stew in the oven gonna have it with some part bake rolls mmm mmmmm