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  1. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I had 2 bc clones aswell and tueyndidnt do much stuck em in a 3ltr and still nothing even 3 week into flower and thats the last I seen of em lol. Must be something to do with how he took it or age tbh I dont have a clue lol just a shit cut mate flip it n shmoke it ;)
  2. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Lmao I know I know. But gonna have em 2norra nyt wirh a m8 round see whqt happens if im sane enough ill pop on let yano how its going its been about 11 years since I had mushys
  3. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hahahaha yer CUNT lmao...ibetter not im just hoping for cs or sumthin and a fine fuck going down id get me arse raped you seen how sexy I am hahahaha
  4. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I know the quality is shit but theres my mushys for 2morro night not having them 2night chickend out lmao
  5. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ha ha go on larry lookin sweet mate all these grows making me jealous lmao need to get back pon it fast mek mi tell u
  6. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Gotta love the scissor hash I never used to get 2g of scissor off mine always just shy of a g or just over ya jammy fucker. Im just about to nlaze a fatty then going to a old friends he got over 500 mushies gonna be a fun night lmao canna wait naaaa mean hahahahaha
  7. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Mmmmm can't beat a nice kief topped joint unless there's a bit of paki lying around ;) I scraped mine last week she's slowly filling up again tho.I'm just about to skin a fatty up got some really stinky peng blues yesterday a little sticky but damn it tastes soooooo good
  8. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Nooooooooo turbanator no trim in the bin lol why don't you want shawny round lmao ??? So will there be some for me yano a nice lil sample?
  9. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ajurned for a month so they can chuck all charges at once hopefully police don't charge for grow but I'm sure they will peace out boys... Grows lookin good lads making me mouth water lol god I need to get growing soon really missing it now. C bit
  10. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    At least the said nob head booked everyones ideas up lool I bet he feels a right bell end
  11. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I know what u sayin u cockney fucker but I've learnt my lesson now and won't make any sloppy mistakes I'm no criminal so never had that mindset of one so never really thought like one I'm a family man who was just trying to save extra money..all they've made me wanna do is go bigger and harder...
  12. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Whoooo no one can fuck a thread like me lmao... I was pulled to my own stupidity nothing to do with outside grow but me trying to evade the pigs outside my house to which the mrs seen who came running out which led to everything going tits up nothing to do with the thread or grasses. Now I'm...
  13. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Naaaa theve changed em thru my phone there always logged on and u just switch between the 2 accouns so it was so easy for them once they had my phone and just logged into old account so thats all good and all me skype and a copule of otjer things are sound so it looks like its just me emails...
  14. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeh soz if that came across a bit bitchy but I am highly strung at the moment cant relax or fuck all I shouldnt even be on here so ill see ya later lads take it easy. Oh and I aint gonna try and reset cuz u have to put another address in and theyll only crack that fucker aswell the wanking...
  15. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    No removed from trash fuckin ell imna computer noob but not that bad.i tried to get tor on me phone but woulnt run for sum reason? And my lappy was wiped and reset about a month ago???
  16. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yes I will be trying to reset them after ive had a j ive just got a new address so ill forward them to this one and see whats what
  17. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I delete allme emails through me phone I only left 2 on there which were from local bc so fuck knows!! Justletting u all know ifeel bad enough but dont para the thread again sae they need hard evidence and proof that anything happend and it never did so they aint got shit on any1 but me ok
  18. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Easy lads just a quick one all my email accounts have been taken over by the filth they changed all my passwords n shit the wankers. Anyway times are hard now just hanging in there its fuckin wank proper wank sick of buying smoke already naaa mean doin my fuckin swede in. Soz if ive , ade this...