The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm fucking even more bewildered than usual , think I'm gonna seal me self in a room, quite possibly for 8-9 weeks !


Active Member
mate i know exactly who the turbanator is and a few other noobs,

yeh im a n00b, and fucking proud.

while yes i agree they dont have time to be trolling though the thread, UNTILL they got ther hands on silly bollox's laptop,

ur on the side of caution

oh and about theimage you posted wher u stated it was with pics over it ect,

u know a image is made up of layers? all u did in effect is wallpaper over your orignal image with a new layre, so all they have to do (easilly) is remove that layre, then ther they have your real pic




Well-Known Member
yeh im a n00b, and fucking proud.

while yes i agree they dont have time to be trolling though the thread, UNTILL they got ther hands on silly bollox's laptop,

ur on the side of caution

oh and about theimage you posted wher u stated it was with pics over it ect,

u know a image is made up of layers? all u did in effect is wallpaper over your orignal image with a new layre, so all they have to do (easilly) is remove that layre, then ther they have your real pic


mate if they are willing to go thru the hassle of finding my pic and unscrambling it just to get their hands on me for growing a poxy 6 plants then fair play and its down to my own stupidity, at least i havent and will not involve anyone else on here, as i do clear all emails,pms,txts,call history, browser history etc, all i have ever done i implicate myself, not anyone else so chill bongsmilie


Active Member
''while yes i agree they dont have time to be trolling though the thread, UNTILL they got ther hands on silly bollox's laptop,''

maybe you worry to much cause you got to close to said sillybollox? but really herbinator you fink a police force the size of his county with the already smack n crack problem in said county is gonna spend much time looking for a load of percy growers, scattered across the country.....


Active Member
''while yes i agree they dont have time to be trolling though the thread, UNTILL they got ther hands on silly bollox's laptop,''

maybe you worry to much cause you got to close to said sillybollox? but really herbinator you fink a police force the size of his county with the already smack n crack problem in said county is gonna spend much time looking for a load of percy growers, scattered across the country.....
haha fuk me you mong, talking in bold now?

just saying,, we all best be carefull


Whoooo no one can fuck a thread like me lmao... I was pulled to my own stupidity nothing to do with outside grow but me trying to evade the pigs outside my house to which the mrs seen who came running out which led to everything going tits up nothing to do with the thread or grasses. Now I'm saying no more till I've been thru everything..fuck it I'm going on cod and thinking there you lot lol ceeeee beeeeeeee


Active Member
that i totally agree upscale security and dont be a twat, but lets not lose our heads over shit thats getting blown outta proportion, ive known many a vet weather they wana admit it or not speak far too loosely in this thread, just because its this thread well that shit is over now people, fix up n look sharp thanks too well i say no more...........


I know what u sayin u cockney fucker but I've learnt my lesson now and won't make any sloppy mistakes I'm no criminal so never had that mindset of one so never really thought like one I'm a family man who was just trying to save extra money..all they've made me wanna do is go bigger and harder now if your taking the risk mek it worth while aye ;) fuck em


Active Member
holy batman, another noob wtf, lol

i realllly hope u is using a vpn? any of u use firefox? i have a awsome vpn only works with sites u want it to,, and no its not hotspot...

oh infact what am i dong on the uk thread? im from the ststes?