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    Flowering? Currently 4 weeks!

    Looooooooooooooooking good.
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    1st Grow. Some Pics!

    The plants are such a beautiful green. Nice man!
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    I'm noob

    Issac nearing Florida... Hope the power does not go out...
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    I'm noob

    Should I try and tie it to the side so more light can hit the plant? Not too tight but enough to get it at a better angle for light?
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    When can you plant in central florida?

    Damn i thought the sun would be too hot to grow? I thought it stunts growth, Or was I miss informed? Thanks
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    3 weeks flowering

    Mine looks almost the same man, good stuff. Good luck!
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    Big Problems in pre-veg

    When you clip or trim leaves it promotes faster root growth? If so when would it be the right time to do this to the plant? Sorry, Thanks tho!
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    Small Buds?

    The plant looks beautiful man. I want to see the plant before you chop it!
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    Hello and please check out my grow, total newb...

    Veg another week, then flower hours. That's my two cents.
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    I'm noob

    @Dkmlf1 Thanks for the info man. I will look into some of those, I came across a grow guide on Autofarms or Warerfarms.. Idk his name was SCOOTYBALLS I think. That looked amazing. I would like to give that a shot when I get some more experience. @krypt haha good luck, do you have a thread on...
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    I'm noob

    Yeah it got pretty tall but I didn't really know what was going on with it I just let it run its course. For the next plant I grow I will be sure to take the proper steps in having a beautifully budded plant. Thanks jman
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    First time growing..

    You have a wonderful foot. May I touch it?
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    how are my plants doing? [newbie] pics inside

    Yeah curiosity got the best of me when I came up on a seed.
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    how are my plants doing? [newbie] pics inside

    Cool grow dude, don't know too much. I just linger around and look at colorful pictures. Can't wait to see them bud up!
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    I'm noob

    Yes its stretchy as hell, I plan on adding support within the next couple of days. Thanks for checking it out, and of course I do care a little. ;) I might as well add some other things that I left out. I never fertilized her till maybe when I started flowering because I never thought about it...
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    I'm noob

    Hello everyone I'm Adam. I am new to the cultivation of marijuana. So don't bring the hammer down to hard on me. If this needs to be moved to another section of the forums I do understand. I posted in here because the titled seemed fit. I had come up upon a seed in some bud I had bought and...
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    How to BOOST your growing!!

    Patients is key young grASSSSSSHOPERRRR
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    5KW indoor medi grow

    This is all you needed to say :)
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    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    I love this shit! I really want to give it a go!@#@!#^%#&^%$
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    First PC Grow - Strain- Nirvana Seeds Auto Northern Lights!

    Dang that is too cool :p I would love to give this a shot :p haha