Thank you! Good info! So that works. Simulated drought..... + UV light.
Cold weather? Methyl Jasmonate ?
Does CO2 add potency? Or just weight? Low water PH stimulates cannabinoid production?
How about this? Methyl Jasmonate. Injected, I think. Experiment shows a 20 to 200 times increase in leaf and root cannabanoid concentrations.
1000% right. Pure THC is a head-on-the-countertop, head-down, narcotic, paranoid experience. The stone from good weed is way more dynamic then that. THC% is a marketing tool for the unwashed and uninitiated. Means little.
Any nutrient or chemical concoction add potency to the finished product?
Or are the chemical nutrients mostly to add weight?
I'm doing a small homegrow for myself. Just interested in potency. Not weight
For the amount of money I spend on weed and the quality received, I really ought to grow my own.
Trudeau encourages us Canucks to grow 4 plants to take the money out of organized crime. BS but its right in the legalization prospectus for Canada. The problem with Legal / Licensed Producer...
Im just super paranoid. Appreciate the feedback tho. First time doing indoor in a shared building etc. I feel like LED run cooler = lower chance of fire.
My bad. I did say in the opening 3 x 3. Then later clarified to perhaps to 2 x 3. Its underneath a set of stairs.
Some of the buds will have to be kept at 4 feet or so.
Alright. I'm pretty much sold. Thank you !! If I need help, I know tradespeople
Why would HLG sell DIY kits? Instead of pre-assembled? Whats the point of this?