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  1. S

    Best yielding cheap bean?!

    Nirvanas blackberry>Killing fields for genetics and a high yield of good quality smoke?
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    Best yielding cheap bean?!

    Is sannies reputable for a quality genetics? And is the kollosus any good?
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    Best yielding cheap bean?!

    Good yielder? And what kind of beans do you have Joe?!
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    Best yielding cheap bean?!

    I'm not looking to pay over 35-40$ for some beans. Any suggestions for that price? Is sannie good?
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    Best yielding cheap bean?!

    Looking for a great smoke with a good yield for an indoor grow setup. I can't spend too much. Was thinking maybe nirvana blackberry. Was going to check out some of sannies seeds, cus' i've been hearing good things about them.
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    Best yielding nirvana strain?

    Blackberry or Papaya or bubblicious would you guys pick?! Going to by my first grow in a cabinet i made with cfls.
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    Best yielding nirvana strain?

    Would you say in comparison to smoke/yield the papaya or chrystal would be more worth it for a 1 plant grow in that space?
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    Will this cabinet work?

    Should I use lst on a topped plant(which has 2 main colas) so it grows a bit horizontal first?
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    Best yielding nirvana strain?

    Just curious, what would be the best yielding nirvana strain. I have about 4 feet max height to work with, and 18" width, but 12" deep.
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    Will this cabinet work?

    Thanks guys for the help, I like the 10$ fluoro idea. I feel like I could pull off a beautiful girl in here. Any ideas on some good strains that would be good in a space like this!? Looking for something that will make me say "Wow" after I smoke it. I'm tired of the usual buying, and figured I'd...
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    Will this cabinet work?

    So I'm thinking about lollipopping a plant such as a lowryder or shortryder. Just because of limited space. I feel like I could get 2 in there.
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    Will this cabinet work?

    Im going to be using CFL's for my first grow. So do you think I'd get better yields off 1 nicer plant, or 2 plants lollipopped? Edit: Also, how much are a 150w hps ballast? I have a bulb, but no ballast ):
  13. S

    Will this cabinet work?

    Would be doing hempy buckets, or a soil grow. I have a few questions though, do you think the plans on the picture are good? Should I use soil, and then crop 'em? What would increase yield on this cabinet? I dont think a scrog or anything would be good.
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    12"x18.5"x48" viable?!

    Here is my cabinet (so far): Starting at about 14" up is adjustable shelf holes and whatnot.
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    12"x18.5"x48" viable?!

    Just a cost thing, and the moms is fine with it. But her gay ass boyfriend might think otherwise, but who cares he doesnt pay the bills. But yeah, I can sog 6 in that?!
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    12"x18.5"x48" viable?!

    Enough of the spam, it was a simple question.
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    12"x18.5"x48" viable?!

    I dodged the question because its fine. They don't care hahah
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    12"x18.5"x48" viable?!

    2?! Hmm, should i be using lst or scrog it you think. I have adjustable shelves in this cabinet. thinking one shelf for lights, then maybe 2 pieces of weed with wire fit inbetween to scrog. any tips on what i should be doing to help keep my plants small yet good yield?! Thinking of a shortrider
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    12"x18.5"x48" viable?!

    Making a 12" deep, 18.5" width by 48" inch cabinet in my woodworking class in school. Would this be viable for a single plant?!
  20. S

    Flying ants

    What exactly should i be asking for at the store for this!?