12"x18.5"x48" viable?!


Active Member
Making a 12" deep, 18.5" width by 48" inch cabinet in my woodworking class in school. Would this be viable for a single plant?!


Well-Known Member
Yep, I had 2 plants in a similar space. You should be fine. School? High School? Living with parents? Shouldn't ever grow living with parents in my opinion. Unless they know and are 100% ok with it.


Active Member
2?! Hmm, should i be using lst or scrog it you think. I have adjustable shelves in this cabinet. thinking one shelf for lights, then maybe 2 pieces of weed with wire fit inbetween to scrog. any tips on what i should be doing to help keep my plants small yet good yield?! Thinking of a shortrider


Active Member
Hey sammy I don't think you got the full jist of what Mr2shim said. If you grow it at home when living with parents they will find out no matter what. Everyday when you are at school your parents go into your room to clean, put clothes away, grab dishes etc. and when they do they look at everything and take observations daily. I know it sounds like some kind of conspiracy but it is true. I honestly suggest re-thinking growing thisat home unless your parents are ok with it. You really do not want your parents to find it then report you to the police or better yet for your parents to find it and throw it in the bin and someone else reports it. Either way you be fucked. "Think before you step"


Well-Known Member
I would care if one my children were growing...they would be retarded and blab to the wrong person and get caught...and i'd be the one in deep shit...


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it'd work you could sog that and get like 6 in there...Although I don't know why you're limiting your space if your parents are ok with it. Get a tent and grow bigger buds.


Active Member
Just a cost thing, and the moms is fine with it. But her gay ass boyfriend might think otherwise, but who cares he doesnt pay the bills. But yeah, I can sog 6 in that?!


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's spam it's just worry. I wouldn't let my kid grow in my house either, even though I grow, teens especially are idiots, like to blab and would tell one too many people and then swat would be all up in my house and I'd go down for it as well. So what'd you tell your shop teacher it's for? Nice cab though guy, you have some nice wood working skills. Did you tell your parents or are you just assuming because they're "cool parents" they'll be ok with it?

What are you going to use for lighting and controlling the smell?