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  1. tallen

    another newbie to rockwool in need of confidence

    I'm not comfortable posting pics but I can explain it to you. Stretch to panda across the tray and hold it in place using squeeze clamps or whatever works. Figure out how you want your spacing and take an empty pot and a sharpie and trace around the bottom of the empty pot (the hole will be...
  2. tallen

    another newbie to rockwool in need of confidence

    yes, 6" pots from start to finish. I have panda film stretched over the flower trays though so the roots can spread and stay healthy. I just cut holes in it for the pots and give it a quick wipe down at the end of a run and reuse it for the next run. By the end of flower there is a mass of roots...
  3. tallen

    Scotch's Deep Water LED's, Multi Strain Space Adventure! (Ie. Thought consolidation)

    Looking good. I see you and several others that have built the pvc screens like that, I really like it and may have to copy it. What are you using for the "screen" material and how are you attaching it? Oh, and if you didn't already you'll want to get that air pump off the floor and above the...
  4. tallen

    Article about removing fan leaves with indica dom grows. Has anyone tried this?

    Search "defoliating", it's a heated topic, I'll leave it at that.
  5. tallen

    New SOG Grow design Ebb and Flow

    If your going straight to flower from clone and want to fit more in there then yes, use smaller pots. Personally I like to give them 2 or 3 weeks of veg time to get more per plant, I've found it works a lot better for me. Even with some veg time I only use 6" pots, but I stretch panda film...
  6. tallen

    another newbie to rockwool in need of confidence

    Yeah I grow in 6" pots. I pull everything out by the plant base and bang the rootball a few times on the side of the plastic tub I'm going to use to soak the hydroton in. Once they stop coming out easy I take the rootball in my hands and just twist and rub and pull and get it all separated, it's...
  7. tallen

    Greengenes Apache AT600 Garden- Blackberry Kush

    That's it, but here it's only $112, and for that price as long as it's even halfway decent it would be worth it to me.
  8. tallen

    Greengenes Apache AT600 Garden- Blackberry Kush

    Nice! Quick question maybe you can help me out with, do you know if the Hydrofarm quantum par meter is any good or is it junk? Seen it on sale for $112 (+shipping) and for that price it would be nice to have one around to play with (I like new toys), but I don't want to waste the money if it's...
  9. tallen

    another newbie to rockwool in need of confidence

    I use hydroton, bought and paid for now reusable forever. I'd hate to have to go buy new media for every run, but I guess if you'd rather buy the blocks then doing a soak and rinse then it's your choice. I've never ran the blocks but I remember hearing you only flood once a day (only a couple...
  10. tallen

    questions about realistic LED expectations...

    Good point, I guess I'm just a little too impatient to see the results I'd like to, those umole charts have me very eager to jump in and get some panels. That at600 looks like pure awesomeness, but I'm wondering if I should go with 6 or 8 a51 panels over 2 at600's to get a better light spread...
  11. tallen

    questions about realistic LED expectations...

    Thanks for the response. I'm not familiar with the DS XML, could you provide a link? (google wasn't much help for once). I'm more concerned with matching the yield per area (or per tray in my case) than in comparing watts. I just referred to the gpw because it seems that it's a common...
  12. tallen

    questions about realistic LED expectations...

    I've been looking into this myself (title of thread). I currently use 2 1000w hps and would like to switch to leds. If you look at the umole charts on the A51 site and the ones Greengenes/Tags posted in his thread on page 9(Tags high efficiency lighting garden) and compare them to what you'd be...
  13. tallen

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    And you tell me this the day AFTER I go and buy a dozen for my veg & mommy tents? Oh well, I'm sure (hopefully) they still work good for my purposes. Edit- If you don't think they're still good veg bulbs (I got both daylight and soft white) let me know now, they're still in the bag with the...
  14. tallen

    Best light for gorilla 5x5 or 4x8 grow tent . Light movers?

    An adjustawing in a tent would be hard to keep cool. For a 5x5 a 1000w works great. no mover needed.
  15. tallen

    co2 question

    Fresh air is fine, if you tried to add co2 most of it would be pulled out by your ventilation and wasted.
  16. tallen

    LED Companies w/ LINKS

    I love all the testing they do. At the end of the video he said if there are any lights you want them to test to send them an email or put it in the comments. I think if we decide on a few we'd like to see (apache & a51 to start the list) and we get everyone to send emails and comments it might...
  17. tallen

    Does anyone actually know the point of diminishing returns for LED umoles?

    I found this on the Area51 site (on the xgs-190 page) and was wondering if anyone knowledgeable could verify or discredit it's accuracy: Seedlings need 200-400 Umol'/s, vegging plants need 300-500 Umol'/s and flowering plants need 500-800 Umol'/s in its core area and 150+ on the edges...
  18. tallen

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    The Xgs190 is all white (new model), the Sgs160 (2013 model, still in stock) is white and red
  19. tallen

    what's up with more red than blue?

    If you think back to when the Proffessor started the led without led's thread, he was trying to imitate led's at that time, which pretty much just came in red and blue for growing. (I followed it too). He was going by the best information and technology at that time, which has come a long way...
  20. tallen

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    If you can run a gas line look into getting a natural gas heater for that room, then you'd be heating it and adding co2 at the same time. win/win