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    400 Watt Metal Halide distance from sprouts

    The main reason why you dont want to put sprouts under HID lights is not heat damage, but the fact that when they are that young under an HID light the high amount of light forces the plant out to fast and it will not develop an intricate root system. after a week under floros, the roots will be...
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    800 Watt - Week 7 - Lemon Skunk & Citrus.

    Feel free to give suggestions or comments!!!!!
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    800 Watt - Week 7 - Lemon Skunk & Citrus.

    The citrus plant looks the most crypt in my opinion, shes a nice dark green and bushy as fuck. one of her tops got chopped off by a fan malfunction but she recovered nicely.
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    80F and 65% humidity - dehumidifiers

    you should be fine with humidity like that when you have seed lings, once you have more mature plants in your room the humidity level will rise on its own, if the seedlings show a serious amount of slowed growth and stress then put a humidity dome over top of them and spray it a few times a day
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    800 Watt - Week 7 - Lemon Skunk & Citrus.

    Here is a few pictures of Pheno type # 2 of the lemon skunk. its not as tall but as #1 but the buds are thicker and more of a domed top. Enjoy:blsmoke:
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    800 Watt - Week 7 - Lemon Skunk & Citrus.

    Sorry about the delay guys, Lets start things off with the Lemon Skunk(Pheno#1) This is my favorite plant, it smells like a fresh lemon, resin production is good, very stick as well. Well here you go , :joint:bongsmilie
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    800 Watt - Week 7 - Lemon Skunk & Citrus.

    Heres some of my ladies, started flushing awhile ago, few more weeks till harvets, I use Advanced nutrients: -Bud Candy -Sensizyme -Overdrive Bontanicare ProBlend: -Veg -Flower :joint: Promix Soil
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    80F and 65% humidity - dehumidifiers

    I run 80F and 70 % and i am fine you dont have to worry unless it is very very hot in there.
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    First To I.D. Get's +Rep from Lumberjack!

    thats defs some really low grade iso oil and it looks like you had a bad filter and some plant matter got into your final product, hence the chunky layer
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    Just added some silicon to my rez.....

    I have a Cloner and I cleaned it then filled with water then added some rooting hormone and there was some white chucks floating around after a few days. i think its normal , not the silicon
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    Hydro set up, how much fresh air...

    its best not to have air from the outside coming into your room because bugs and diseases come in from the outside. also it is a billion times harder to contol temps and humidity if you have air exhausting to the outside. you want a sealed room with small intake holes but not intaking air from...
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    4 trainwreck clones need a few pointers this my first grow

    yea that's defiantly enough. just don't give them to much nutes. less is more.
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    Ever Black Out Stoned?

    HAHA yes i have done this many a times one time from an oil toke that i was holding in and i blacked out and my knees buckled. another time i took a waterfall of roach weed and a short while after taking the hit i tried to stand and ended up head first into the wall!! but i dont think i have...
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    My Super Grow Room

    Holy fuck man that is very nice! you have done a good job in setting up your room. 13 grand into a room that is very impressive , good luck with your grow i couldnt see anything goin wrong with a room like that!!! rep+ your room makes me drool.:weed:
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    Grow Box Specs

    Hey i just designed a new grow box for my next grow which will be lowryderXsourdiesel, i was wondering if my specs sounded sufficient? the box will be 3ftwideX3ftdeepX5fthigh made of 1 inch thick plywood. i will have 4 passive intakes and 2 out takes with 4 inch computer fans, the fans will lead...
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    Canadain Growers Club

    hey guys! yes finally a home for us canadians. i live in Calgary and have been growing for almost 2 years now and enjoy it more then anything. i have grown god bud , hash plant and bogglegum. for my next grow i am considering lowryderXsourdiesel becasue of space issues right now. has anyone had...
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    Welcome New Members!

    hey my name is rik and i live in canada. i have been though a few grows now and am starting to figure it all out. i highly enjoy this site becasue it is full of very smart experianced growers that know whats up. i am excited to join this community and hope i can help out a couple people as well...
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    Finally new pics, (thoughts?)

    Very nice that girls looking really healthy.
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    Stealthy night stand grow box (pictures)

    think i could build a nicer one for under 100$ lol