4 trainwreck clones need a few pointers this my first grow


Well-Known Member
2emg1h2.jpg2hdv0vp.jpgI have them under my t5 8bulb 54 how are they looking. A friend of mine gave them to me in a cup they had long ass roots I planted them in the 6 in cubes and letting them go. how do they look???

What do i need to do.


Well-Known Member
make sure u dont overwater.. and let them grow.feed em low dose of nutes next water, llooking like some deficiancy is starting


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the input. Im letting the blocks almost dry out til i feed em again. Im using Advance Nute Mother Earth tea. Will this be enough by itself?? I also was given some micro nutes from the hydro store called Dyna-Grow 7-9-5 will this be ok to add with the tea or am I doing to much??

Please More input


Active Member
you should start LST on that trainwreck. I've vegged under fluoro before and they definitely put out lanky plants; LST will help you get the most out of the fluorescents light intensity. I'm growing some Casey Jones outside right now and they have trainwreck genetics in them. They get super tall. Do you plan on running your whole cycle under the T5?


Well-Known Member
no I have 1000w that im going to use for flower, whats the best way to lst em? thanx for da input.

How did the trainwreck smoke??