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  1. CheetoSaver

    Male? Female?

    I know, I know but this is my 1st time seeing 6 wk old Northern Lights. Can someone let me know? 2 pics, 2 plants. Pic 1 I think? may be female.
  2. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Yeah I stumbled on a plan b. That was some serious stealth you did. Took notes because I need to plan on people happening whether I'm ready or not
  3. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    I think I've found a spot where they can stay off premises for the day. whew...forgot I had dirt on my sister ;-)
  4. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Be like putting wildcats in a burlap bag :lol:
  5. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    I've even thought so far as to get one of those cheap portable zip up wardrobe thingies that old ppl like so much lol
  6. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Much admiration! Give lessons?
  7. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    They are adorable! Dogs are great. I certainly can train better than I can garden lmao
  8. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Oh the pretty babies! Here are ours. 3 pits and 1 Bully
  9. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Got it. It may be easier for me to relocate for the day. It's not like I've got a huge grow. Plus it'll keep my tendency to be anxious at bay
  10. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Ouch. I feel ya. That was our reason as well as the fact we rescue pitbulls. Landlords aren't exactly welcoming out here with a 4 pack of rescues
  11. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Yeah...we do have one. It's do-able
  12. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Thank you
  13. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    I'm liking this
  14. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Definitely! Again, thank you for all the info :)
  15. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Hoping that won't be the case here. re: termite inspection
  16. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Crap. Yes. We need well...everything. Heating/Air. New lines. ever watch the d movie the Money Pit? Hi. That's us
  17. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    Got it. Hubs would lose it if I did. if theoretically speaking, a house was being refinanced, requiring said the garage something you guys look in?
  18. CheetoSaver

    This Blue Dream isn’t a dream

    I mean, I didn't kill them. I did win that bet lol