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  1. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    I did find and fix some light leaks in Candy's house. Hope that helps, still no real buds. The air temps rose after the air (light) leaks were fixed, so added another intake fan to draw cooler air in from outside the unit. Pic 1 - Candy day 36 in 12/12 Pic 2 - Day 36 since cloning Pics 3, 4...
  2. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    The clones are doing great (except for Goldie, who just ISNT growing). Candy has lots and lots of bud sites, but they aren't getting any bigger, I don't understand that either. I am still using ice to keep the water temps down, but everything else is fine. Candy is supposed to flower for 8-9...
  3. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Pic 1 Pretty sure that's an honest to goodness BUD in the making!! Pic 2 4 weeks of 12/12 and Pic 3 4 weeks since cloning
  4. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Well, after the power came back on, I saw that the humidity had risen to 98 percent. Never have seen that before. Seems like no ill effects tho, thank goodness. Candy is 28 days since going to 12/12. Smells very nice when I open the door, and she is getting sticky! Room temps are 78 day and...
  5. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Well, Friday certainly SUCKED! Lost all power in the neighborhood for over 4 hours. Which means Candy went dark for 4 hours during her light time, and the clones all went dark too. No, bubblers, fairly warm (I did put Ice in the water to keep things cool as possible) no water pump for the...
  6. hubebaba

    The Bubblehead Showcase

    Had a power outage most of Friday, but here is a pic of Candy a couple days ago. She is a caramelicious, 3 weeks into 12/12
  7. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Thanks for reading my journal and for the input! +rep
  8. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Thanks soo much! Have tried to +rep you, but it says I gotta spread it around first. :cry:
  9. hubebaba

    The BubbleHead Gang

    I was up most of last night posting a retroactive grow journal. I actually did an extremely condensed version, because I have notes, stats and pics from almost everyday on every plant since I got my MMU and the bright idea to "save money and grow my own". LOLOLOL Now that I have that posted...
  10. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Thanks for visiting my journal!!! I am on 12/12 now for Candy. Its very exciting actually seeing flowers beginning to show!!!
  11. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    Well, it has been a whirlwind update on my grow, I will try to be much more detailed now. I almost lost my plants several times to several different screw ups, but thanks to the people at my plants and I...
  12. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    7-17 Added a second oscillating fan for RH control and a 2nd exhaust fan in the top. Still havent been able to sex Candy or Debbie. The clones are Eve, Foxy, Goldie, Honey, Ivy and Jenny. 7-20 Candy is a girl!! 7-21 Water temps are too high in clones and in flower room, adding ice bottles to...
  13. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    7-16 The new grow room is finished. Its bigger than I thought it was gonna be, but that just means that I can grow more plants! Its 83" tall, 47" wide and 38" deep. I was hoping to be able to control the humidity in there, because it is completely enclosed, but no such luck yet. I have a...
  14. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    7-13 The big plants are doing great. Debbie is still a lot smaller, but thats OK. I took clones last week, 4 from Candy and 2 from Debbie, they had some trouble getting going, but they are doing fine now. Building a grow room for them, it should be finished by Wed. Hoping the main plants are...
  15. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    6-17 I ordered a Hanna PPM meter and a few other items... fingers are crossed. 07-01 Still vegging. Debbie is catching up to Candy. They are both looking pretty good. The room is starting to really smell awesome! Water temps are staying around 66-70 with the ice. The room temp is 68-77...
  16. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    6-13 My largest plant, Candy is getting sick. Her roots are turning brown and a few leaves turning yellowish brown with brown spots I talked to the guy at the hydroponics store today, and he had a helleva story for me. He said that algae is necessary for a healthy hydro grow, He said NOT to use...
  17. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    6-08 New fan & ionizer - topped both. Added ice bottles. Day 26 on Debbie - pics 1 & 2 Day 37 on Candy - 3 & 4 5 & 6 are Candy's roots. April died, so I am down to 2 caramelicious. Room temp 80 Water temp 78 down to 70 w/ice Ph 5.75 Humidity 52
  18. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    5-14 to 5-19 A is doing great, C is good too B sleeping but D woke up! Fed them a bit Ph is still going up to 7 or 7.5 every evening. I don't know why. 5-20 Changed the water again, cleaned EVERYTHING with hydrogen peroxide solution. Not sure I can grow this. Dunno how to get rid of the algae...
  19. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    05-13 I panicked...1 dead and 1 sick - so... Since I hadnt learned any different, I went ahead and changed the water, removed the dead seed and rockwool, cleaned the tub, hydroton and the pump. Then I may have screwed up, I put 2 new germinated seeds in, one for B and now D. So now the 2 older...
  20. hubebaba

    First Bubbletronic Grow - Late Start

    05-12 Well, the Ph went back up to 7.25 tonite, so I guess I am supposed to change the water?? Hell, I dont know what to do... "A" is getting more leaves and looking much better, B is still dead (duh) and C is still doing fine. All are going slow though (I think). The second light added a lot of...