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    prepping rock wool

    Well from what I've read in the past, u shouldn't put any nutes until it's at least 1-2 week's old. And for soaking it, I think ur just suppose to keep it damp, "like a facecloth rung out", someone said. hope this helps
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    thanks. yea I've decided to put the tent in the basement & just vent it out to there. Does anyone know of a good UTube video or tutorial for setting up a grow tent like a Darkroom or Grolab & installing all reflectors, inline fans, exhausts, & ducting from scratch? I was thinking of getting...
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    400W HID, DWC, Blueberry-AK47-Bagseed

    damn that sucks, what brand MH was it?
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    400w vs 600w HPS???

    the doc came through nice for me
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    say i'm in an appt and i'm concerned of an HPS affecting the temp when venting into my living room...... Could I just get this to put inside the 4'x4' grow tent & would it be enough to cool the small space for like a 400W HPS?...Or do you have to vent outside the tent? Small 1,000 BTU portable...
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    my official gro thread

    Thats some awesome info brotha thanks. Still waiting for my darkroom & t5's to arrive. Regarding the rockwool, I am around all day and can feed it as needed, I just hope it's not too wet. And I will definately go fix the hydroton right now, Thanks again man. Pics later today...
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    1st Grow DWC/Bubbleponics

    I already was checking out your thread last night. looks great.
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    fox farm 'grow big' mistake

    yea I just wanted to get some info on here about what would happen to the plants if u DID use the one for soil. Would they just burn up, just not grow at all?
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    need help with dwc grow

    Just a newb and I probably have no right giving advice lol, but i'm baked and wanted to fool around in the forums for a while.. But I imagine it's all a matter of preference and what your intentions are... What are ur OP plans? How big do you want them to grow? Do you have the wattage & space...
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    Hydrofarm CFL system affecting PPM

    My Ph seems to raise like .1 pH every 10 minutes, but is anyone else having these problems with a Tri-Meter. The meter better not be funky it's a brand new Nutradip. i'll be po'd
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    1st Grow DWC/Bubbleponics

    Is that what I got already? spider-mites? Will the FoxFarm - Don't Bug Me that I just ordered take care of that?
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    1st Grow DWC/Bubbleponics

    DR120 - x2 - 4' 2 bulb New Wave T5's (4 6500K, & 4 3000K to replace them at flowering time) - HydroFarm 150W CFL System -...
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    1st Grow DWC/Bubbleponics

    And here's where I am now... I ordered a DarkRoom120 & 2 - New Wave T5's. 4' footers (yea i went for the biggies cause i'm hoping for a big girl) & 2 bulbs each. I ordered T5's with 4 veg lights (6500k) & I seperately ordered 4 flowering lights (3000k) for u guessed it...flowering time. So...
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    1st Grow DWC/Bubbleponics

    Ok this is my first...I started out with this... -5 Gal SH DWC System -150W HydroFarm CFL System -Tri-meter -Fox Farm Nutes -5x NL Fem'd Since I only have 5 NL i'm only doing 1 monster & hoping to just take cuttings off of that into like a 6 planter Bubbleponics system from SH, and not touch...
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    Hydrofarm CFL system affecting PPM

    I dont' think it's the light itself. might be the fixture? When I just touch the bucket with my hand, the PPM decreases by 200. Is there something wrong with the meter or something.
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    Hydrofarm CFL system affecting PPM

    that was right over my head. gremlins?
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    Hydrofarm CFL system affecting PPM

    For some reason it seems that the PPM of my nutrient solution is being affected dramatically by the light. Is this normal, or possible? Just got the meter today and calibrated it. Pics......... With the light moved off the plant With the light directy on the plant (about 6 inches)
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    4x1000 +co2+9 strains+=good times

    omg. did you hit the lottery or sumthin? lol
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    fox farm 'grow big' mistake

    I'm one of those people who got the Green grow big instead of the Blue one. I'm going tomorrow to get the Hydro one but what would this one do to the plant if I used it in my DWC?
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    Stealth Hydro LED Set Up

    can't wait to see how it looks & performs. GL