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  1. LunaSetti

    Raspberry Cough DWC Grow

    Could be a fluke thing. I've had heat stress using floros (t5's) and CFL's before, but usually that only exibits on the tips of the leaves. If they look healthy and you keep an eye on em daily I wouldn't worry unless it really starts spreading. How long before they are done?
  2. LunaSetti

    Nirvana's Master Kush - Anyone Else Have a Giant? Pictures!

    That's what I figured. I am wondering if this strain is even Master Kush, lol. The two plants have totally taken over the space and have 100% sativa traits. I'm not complaining, the grow is going well and it isn't putting off any odor yet, so as far as im concerned it doesn't get easier than that.
  3. LunaSetti

    Nirvana's Master Kush - Anyone Else Have a Giant? Pictures!

    So I figured I'd try this strain cuz Nirvana had it stated as a medium sized plant and somewhere on Attitude Seedbank I saw it finished around 16-18". I vegged it under cfls, and the plant didn't stretch at all. It was set to flower under a 600w HPS. My ballast blew a gasket last week, waiting...
  4. LunaSetti

    Raspberry Cough DWC Grow

    Could it be heat stress? Are the leaves curling or anything? I know some of my strains like a very high pH, like almost 7.0, whereas others won't tolerate anything over 6.0. Some have no problems when temps soar and others show stress at 80 degrees. I'd also check the underside of the leaves for...
  5. LunaSetti

    The Best Deals Thread - Updated Version

    Thanks for the heads up. Saw the ballast had a 3 yr. warranty and flora hydro has been good to me so far, so figured it was worth a shot for the price. My local guy quoted me over $450.00 for a 600W setup (plus the bulb which is 90), and I can't do that. He doesn't carry any mag ballasts...
  6. LunaSetti

    Raspberry Cough DWC Grow

    I harvest mine when they are mostly cloudy with just a few amber. If you harvest when the trichs are clear, it isn't quite ready yet. The amber color gives you that 'couch lock' stone. I'm with you, I prefer a more up buzz than the couch lock, but too, it really depends on the strain you are...
  7. LunaSetti

    The Best Deals Thread - Updated Version

    400/600/1000w Dimmable Digital HPS/MH Grow Light Systems 400W $135.00 600W $175.00 1000W $265.00 Systems include HPS bulb, socket set, dimmable digital ballast and reflector. This is a sale price, not sure how long it will last.
  8. LunaSetti

    Product to keep gnats away from seedlings?

    This stuff is suposed to kill all sorts of stuff, including bed bugs. It was developed for the army to help our troops with sand fleas.
  9. LunaSetti

    Newbie. Male or Female ???????

    I just had a Master Kush plant from nirvana have that same thing on it. Glad I waited to chop it cuz 3 days later pistils exploded. I picked that part off as I was afraid it was hermie, it hasn't grown back and the rest of the plant isn't showing any signs of male. It does look male though.
  10. LunaSetti

    SensStans Sneaky Russian Rocket Fuel Grow

    Did you have these on 20/4 light cycle or 18/6?
  11. LunaSetti

    HELP - Taking clones in Jiffy pellets ?

    I always use jiffy pellets to clone. It's all I've ever used and have never had good luck with rockwool, as I tend to get algae or something on it. (i'm on a well, so...). I just take my cutting, throw it in some clonex then pop it in the jiffy pellet. I make sure it is throughly soaked and then...
  12. LunaSetti

    AK-48 babies possible pH problem?

    I thought that to, esp. as I could see the coating on the leaves and I have been spraying them with water everyday for about 3 days now. I'll continue spraying them and keep my fingers crossed. The new growth looks great, so I am hoping they will be fine as more growth comes in. Thanks for the info!
  13. LunaSetti

    AK-48 babies possible pH problem?

    That is Coco they are in, and the discoloration is from the soap solution. I'm having the same problem as you with the pH. Thanks for the info!
  14. LunaSetti

    AK-48 babies possible pH problem?

    These 'babies' aren't that old, I germed them around the second or third of jan, and they popped a day or two later. All was well until I had a case of bugs, which I got rid of by using a home mixture of soap. Anywho, I'm not sure if it is the soap residue that is causing the leaf curling, but...
  15. LunaSetti

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    She's starting to hermie on one branch... :-( 2-3 weeks still??
  16. LunaSetti

    Legends Ultimate Indica Harvesting Woes

    Thanks! I hope it turns out as good as it looks lol! Again, thanks, I'll post pictures when she finally finishes.
  17. LunaSetti

    Legends Ultimate Indica Harvesting Woes

    Thanks for the input grygost. Currently the trichs are milky on top and amber/milky on the lower buds. I think I'll let her go at least a few more weeks unless I notice a lot of seed developing.
  18. LunaSetti

    Legends Ultimate Indica Harvesting Woes

    No one wants to add anything? :sad:
  19. LunaSetti

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    This plant has been through so much. She started flowering way early outside (in may), and then we moved her to a sunnier location and she reverted. She didn't start flowering again until early September, and with cold temperatures here, we had to bring her in to finish. Now, it seems like...
  20. LunaSetti

    Legends Ultimate Indica Harvesting Woes

    Oh, I also forgot to mention, that in the mid section of the plant, I found a small pollen sac, I plucked it off, so I assume she is turning hermie...., which is why I'm wondering if we should harvest now, or if it is ok to wait. One calyx has a seed (her calyxes literally explode when they...