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  1. Mr. Burns

    purple, dark green, orange, brown leaves?!? PIC

    My plant has been having problems lately and I thought I had them all fixed and then today when I checked them I noticed a bunch of leaves that had some kind of a problem I couldnt find anything on. Ive been thru all the guides I can find and I dont see any that look like mine. Has anybody...
  2. Mr. Burns

    yield (pics included)

    ooh, a dry ounce :leaf::-P:leaf: Anybody else wanna guess? I dont wanna get my hopes up and flower now to find out that they only produce an eighth or something :sad:
  3. Mr. Burns

    yield (pics included)

    I have 2 plants going right now and I'm wondering about how much bud I would get if I flowered now. Not much experience on things like this so can anybody guestimate? Just so you know, I'm growing under 8 26 watt cfls, and 2 42 watt cfls about 3 inches away.
  4. Mr. Burns

    what KELVIN for flowering?

    2700 ish is good for flowering
  5. Mr. Burns

    really droopy leaves and odd leaf tips

    shes bushing out even more now. Shoots all over the place coming out of the foliage. :-P Just looking at all the newly visible tips makes me happy.:weed: I might try moving the lights up a bit soon. As for the chemicals, just some potting soil I got from Wal Mart
  6. Mr. Burns

    really droopy leaves and odd leaf tips

    Thanks, I try my best to get as much light as possible 1" from the top while keeping it under about 85 degrees so she stays bushy and hopefully short. So now her lower leaves are lifting back up about half way to normal. I guess I must have gone a little heavy on the last watering. Nobody...
  7. Mr. Burns

    really droopy leaves and odd leaf tips

    Also, anybody wanna take a gander at what kind she is? I got the seeds from a friend who knew a grower so I dont have a clue. Its probably too early to tell but any guesses?
  8. Mr. Burns

    really droopy leaves and odd leaf tips

    so my baby is about 3ish weeks old and the last 2 days has drooped. Her leaf tips are brown on almost all the leaves (this has been happening for weeks) I dont think its over watering causing the droopyness (maybe though), and her leaves are dry feeling. Im reading too much N might cause the...
  9. Mr. Burns


    try cfl's. A tomato cage with cfl's poking thru all over the place and a few up top. 10 -13 watt cfl's are only 130 watts and then like 3 24 watters at the top would put you up to about 175 watts. Make sure you get the daylight kind for veg.
  10. Mr. Burns

    drooping "pale?" leaves

    That makes sense. I keep her at 80-85 so it shouldnt be too long before the soil dries out. I will definitely keep that in mind next time I want to water her.
  11. Mr. Burns

    parts of my leafs missing

    Ive got one that grows deformed leaves. they almost look like they were attacked by a bug around the edges but they grow like that. I think its normal and if there doesnt seem to be a problem then dont worry about it too much.
  12. Mr. Burns

    drooping "pale?" leaves

    She was already like that when i transplanted her. hasnt changed much today.
  13. Mr. Burns

    drooping "pale?" leaves

    Until today it was in a yogurt cup. I only water every 2-3 days and it stays moist. Also the soil is as I bought it. no nutes incase anyone was thinking that
  14. Mr. Burns

    drooping "pale?" leaves

    My main plant is about 2-3 weeks old and a few days ago developed what seemed like overly dry and droopy leaves. Soon after the leaves got spots. New leaves grew but they all droop downward and feel dry-ish. The plant seems like the green has faded some. I dont know why it would do this. I have...