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  1. Dr. Danks

    Making a living as a caregiver

    Ya like a middle man and that is exactly what's wrong with our system today middle men are like scavengers taking business away from us farmers that are real caregivers. Not middle men drug dealers that are in for just the money it's about the meds and that's what people forget and makes medical...
  2. Dr. Danks

    Is it just me or is BHO where it's at?

    Do u think anyone here believes u... U need a reality cheek and come out of dream land....look at that shit it looks terrible ur not even purging it right what Did u do just water purge it... You are smoking mostly butane retard enjoy and what u think ur a chemist what u tested it in ur own lab...
  3. Dr. Danks

    Do cats eat cannibas?

    Your an idiot when someone breaks into my house they meet my 1911 not cat piss. And this is a weed/grow forum not a porn site and u figured we were all talking about pussy when the post stats "do cats eat cannibas" grow up and get a life and stop watering ur plants with cat piss
  4. Dr. Danks

    Do cats eat cannibas?

    I know u might think its cute but that's a very good way to introduce pest into ur garden it's a very bad idea to let ur animals with your grow. Very newbie
  5. Dr. Danks

    Do cats eat cannibas?

    What ur kindling me first off he can't smoke weed because of cat piss.... Buddy I think ur growing weed very wrong and u prob should have read the post not one person talks about cat piss and if ur using cat piss as nut for ur plants and have to grow one without just for him I'm speachless buddy...
  6. Dr. Danks

    male, female, no sex? New growth Help.

    If u look at the picture where the female and male part grow i have new groth instead directly where they are suppose to be and all my other plants have very clear signs and they have for almost two week now but this one is diffent i've been growing for a long time and i can only recall this...
  7. Dr. Danks

    Do cats eat cannibas?

    Hmmm ur dads is kinda correct eatting just the water leafs will do nothing but cats love them if it ate some hash it would possibly pee on itself and lose depth perceptions and possible vomit being lathargic. Also this can happen to dogs but like I said just eatting part of a plant will not but...
  8. Dr. Danks

    male, female, no sex? New growth Help.

    I tried to attach one Idk why it won't work I hope this time its does
  9. Dr. Danks

    male, female, no sex? New growth Help.

    I tried to attach one Idk why it won't work I hope this time its does
  10. Dr. Danks

    male, female, no sex? New growth Help.

    Ok so this is a new one for me Need some help. My plants are six weeks old and was looking for early signs of sex all my plants have signs of female hairs coming from the tear shaped pods located on the main stock.. except for one... where the pods or pollen sacks would normally develope I have...
  11. Dr. Danks

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Looks like u might be developing some sort of mold or fungus it's always good to keep the bottom of the plants cut back from the soil leave that hang low are at risk for such issues.... Did u figure it out?
  12. Dr. Danks

    Tent lighting and vent advice

    Well like u said u don't grow bud so thank for trying I've used a lot less light and produced top shelf product in the same size area so that is why I feel the need too increase the room by at least two ft for the 1000 watt system. And u must not know or understand just how much a 1000 watt bulb...
  13. Dr. Danks

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Uncle Ben so I have a new 1000 watts system and my plant were doing great from seed looking very healthy from seed... Moved my plants from my germination/cloning room to my grow room it's about the fourth day and the leafs half good color but the edges of the leaves are starting to curl up and...
  14. Dr. Danks

    Tent lighting and vent advice

    I'm kinda facing the same issue in a 4x4 I think a 1000 is too big that's why I came on here because I'm facing the issue that i feel like my xxxl hood and 1000 watt system might be to big for a 76x76x76 I mean it would work fine in there I just feel like I could do more space and that size tent...