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  1. Farmer Mark

    Tips on helping my seedlings.....

    I once covered part of the stem with more it supports the stem. and gave it a litte water. so the stem grew, and roots grew on the part of the stem which I covered with have to be careful not to let the stem rot though...I just add a little water at first..for root...
  2. Farmer Mark

    My dad flushed my plants

    I would tell my parents that by growing your own weed you would only smoke 100% homegrown stuff. which isn't treated with chemicals, and plus you dont have to mix it with tobacco because you have more weed to put in your spliffs. AND tell them that you won't smoke before you've done your...
  3. Farmer Mark

    The Situation Happened!! My Parents Caught Me!!

    Parents should communicate with their children my mum watered my plants and bought the nutes and my dad built my lighting I gave the whole load to a friend and we're harvesting soon.:hump: But Istill havn't told them I'm going to smoke what I grow. anyway I am a responsible...
  4. Farmer Mark

    Germinating Questions

    hey! I always and only root my seeds in that way. (PS: I've only grown 4 plants and rooted other 12 now) But anyway just keep waiting until a white thing sticks out from the seed. that is the main root which will dig into the soil and develop a rooting system.,the two leafes will come out from...
  5. Farmer Mark

    My leafs are burning. in flowering period.would reducing light speed up flowering?

    I just used my window screen...and apparently the plant isnt getting worse...I even stopped using my UV lamp...which I used for the THC of my flowers...I'll let you know if the babies get worse
  6. Farmer Mark

    My leafs are burning. in flowering period.would reducing light speed up flowering?

    Hello guys...this is my first grow..and the first buds have started to grow..unfortunately I started growing my plants indoors and since the electricity bills were quite high I had to cut my lighting and put the plants next to my window so they could grow with sunlight. I transferred the plants...
  7. Farmer Mark

    can you spot any Problems with these plants???

    ook-.-. so I'm using a fertilizer which doesnt indicate whats in it... its Bio thing... and well it has nitrogen , which is supposed to be good for the veg period... I also bought some Fe and Cu fertilizers...for my yellow leaves, that should help... as for the droopy bitch, I have to buy a ph...
  8. Farmer Mark

    can you spot any Problems with these plants???

    Hey guys!!! can you check out my plants and tell me if you spot anything wrong?? I think they're ok... I've made photos of the bottom leaves of the healthiest plants.... ..they're starting to become really yellow...and I also made a photo to the plant which I hate the most (little b***h)...she...
  9. Farmer Mark

    keepin' it simple

    I also did that to make my stem stronger, its ok I guess....still in veg period...
  10. Farmer Mark

    Need help on my light cycle and flowering period...

    ok ok good ideas...very good ideas....the problem is... my plants are in small pots every pot is about 18cm tall and 15 cm wide...two pots (out of five)are even smaller should I get taller pots and transplant my plants in the new taller pots???...and while doing this I could add gravel...
  11. Farmer Mark

    Need help on my light cycle and flowering period...

    ook, I'll soak the plants...eccept...I wont put perlite and stuff...and my lamps only are 1300 lumens each...and I have 3 lamps for 4 plants---urgh..I'll post a few photos tomorrow... anyway I tried to transplant one of the plants in a bigger pot, it seems to be happy...the problem is...I think...
  12. Farmer Mark

    Need help on my light cycle and flowering period...

    ok , so that will be when the plant is 1 ft tall and the light cycle is 1212 right?!?
  13. Farmer Mark

    Need help on my light cycle and flowering period...

    its growing really slow...I was using a ...erm...cant remember.. but I replaced that light with 3 fluorescent bulbs today, each 20Watt, low energy consumption, 1300luments each...the plants are close to eachother now, so there is a lot of light---I think they should grow faster now...I used to...
  14. Farmer Mark

    Need help on my light cycle and flowering period...

    Hey guys, I'm not sure of when I should start a 12/12 light cycle....judging my photos, can any of you give me a hand??? my plants have been on a 18/6 cycle for around 20 days.... and can any of you tell me when I should start seeing any signs of sex??is it possible that I could see it now^^...
  15. Farmer Mark

    one question

    hello man! I'm new, but most people water the plants once every 2-3 days...I personally water once every 3, I water the plants till the soil is wet ...then stick my fingers in the soil every day to see the moisture level...I'd advise to water over all the pot, because the plants roots have to...
  16. Farmer Mark

    Germination & UV Lighting

    I usually keep the window open so the plant can feel the breeze...eccept when I turn the lights off, otherwise the room gets too cold, ...that should help... anyway! I covered the lower part of the stem with extra soil...untill I nearly reached the rim of the pot...this helped a lot,,,the...
  17. Farmer Mark

    Germination & UV Lighting

    damn, my stems are too weak, and one of the plants dust bends to one side, and its only a really small plant,,,I'm thinking of transplanting it into another pot, and cover the lower part of the stem, to make it more it a good idea^??? or is there a better method to keep the...
  18. Farmer Mark

    Germination & UV Lighting

    Thanks for the info BUDdy!! I'll have to wait a little more since my plants aren't really tall enough,,,the only yhing I'm not sure about is the size of my pots....they're approximately 15-20cm long and 20cm tall....what would you suggest??do I have to transplant??? I'll keep this thread...
  19. Farmer Mark

    Just wanted to introduce myself.

    hi!!! I hope to learn a lot from you too! catch you later