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  1. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    You’ll be fine up to 85-90, strain dependent, as long as you run higher RH. I’d definitely do smaller boards and spread them out more. The 320’s are great for the money.
  2. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Read the thread. This was caused by too much light. Been solved a long time ago.
  3. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Good luck brother. Glad I could help. Forgot how different people are on the message boards vs Instagram. Might have to suspend the IG account and come back here lol.
  4. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Why wouldn’t you admit it? Because you don’t want to offend any of the virtue shaming guys on the board trying to guilt you into spending more money for the same product made by HLG? They aren’t you, and your budget isn’t theirs. Yes China is a shit country that mimics American products, but...
  5. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    If you’re looking at QB tech, Kingbrite on Alibaba can’t be beat. They offer 240 and 320 watt boards and they’re affordable. You can get really creative with how you position boards in your room for your footprint.
  6. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Do you need to feed more? Or do you need to let the soil do it’s thing, and adjust the lights accordingly? That’s the point in living soil... What sized footprint are you attempting to light and with what fixtures?
  7. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Ehhhhhh “weaker” is a term that is going out the window when it comes to lighting these days. IMO, a plasma DE HPS bulb is likely throwing out more PAR than today’s LED fixtures. The difference? That color spectrum is incomplete and doesn’t force the same nutrient uptake that a pure white light...
  8. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Distance doesn’t matter. Gotta measure PAR. If you’re running LED’s, invest in a PAR meter. Even if it’s a mediocre one, putting a number value to the light intensity that cannabis likes at various stages of growth and propagation is huge. Plus it allows you to fine tune strains you run repeatedly.
  9. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    I do like them much better now that I’ve learned how to use them. I was learning the basics of growing simultaneously, so the learning curve was steeper than usual for a newb.
  10. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Yep. When I see something like that, I tend to think “I’m probably pushing them slightly too hard.” Whether I back off or not depends on where in the life cycle the plant is.
  11. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    So are you of the mindset that magnesium deficiency is a real thing in soil under LED’s?
  12. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    I run my LED’s on the ceiling, sometimes 3 ft away from the tops, and still have solid nugs down to about 18 inches of canopy penetration. You’re gonna be fine. The concern about LED larf came from first gen fixtures.
  13. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Makes a lot of sense, on that side of things, though on my side of things, my symptoms end up looking like burn/nitrogen tox when I use too much light. My soil is bangin. The castings I get are hot. I’m mixing another batch next weekend and I dropped the castings to 15/20% of the mix from 33.
  14. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    I solved all my issues by backing off my light intensity and/or distance. I also have noticed that the 660 NM spectrum can make or break a soil a grow. Too much, plants burn and/or finish too early. The biggest thing though, move the lights away. Run strains that stack hard and you’ll hit your...
  15. jHands

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Thanks for the information brother, and I apologize, I did not know this was reserved for the HLG guys.
  16. jHands

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Is there any limitation to how long the wires from the driver to the boards can be? I don’t want to push it too far, but having the drivers outside of the room seems nice. Also seems nice to keep them in the room to heat the room as well, tough call.
  17. jHands

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    So, theoretically, I could mount all of the drivers outside my rooms and just run the +- and dimmer lines into the room to connect to the boards and mount dimmers?
  18. jHands

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Just ordered some QB’s from KingBrite in China off Alibaba. Upon inspection, everything looks to be of high quality. I am in the midst of hooking them up this week. Question: can I mount the drivers remote and then run the + and - wires to the boards? Seems a lot of people do it with no issue...
  19. jHands

    Indoor No-Till Beds and Plant Counts

    The “other guy” in question is the social media account of a large scale LED living soil cultivation operation in Nevada. There are many reasons why this individual probably didn’t answer my query, and I doubt any of them have to do with what you’re insinuating. The only reason I got snippy with...
  20. jHands

    Indoor No-Till Beds and Plant Counts

    Thanks for the clarification. Apparently you missed the title of the thread that says living soil beds, and the subsequent post that also talks about transplanting from cups into beds. When you flower in a solo cup, I’m pretty sure you need to feed nutes to sustain the plant through 9 weeks of...