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  1. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    I feel ya man. I’d rather get this shit figured out, rather than switching fixtures. Gonna see if bumping my humidity up and changing the angle of my fans helps. Wondering if the plants just aren’t transpiring effectively.
  2. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Surely, but how would you recommend orienting 4 315’s over a 4x8 footprint?
  3. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Curious - do you follow VPD throughout your grow? I’ve been led to believe recently that being out of the VPD range could be contributing to my issues. I’m not sure if it’s the 660 that’s hurting me, or the blend of the spectrums being off. Either way, I’m probably moving away from these...
  4. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    My Co2 tanks rarely kick on. My rooms are sealed super tight, and are around 7’6” by 11’ with a 4x8 bed of living soil in each. The ambient levels hover around 1100-1200 in the room due to the soil activity. If I’m in the room pruning for an extended period of time, the levels easily exceed 2000...
  5. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Running 80-83. Perhaps my humidity is off? I’ve also been led to believe recently that I may have too much airflow over my canopy, therefore reducing leaf temperature too much. Also to be noted, my Co2 levels run higher than ambient in the room because of offgasing from the soil. I don’t...
  6. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    They are currently around 3 feet above the canopy. I had to move them further away to counteract the stress. They’re supposed to be ran close to the canopy, and the only ones I see doing that are in hydro. Something about soil and LED tech not aligning well.
  7. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Well based on what I’ve shared, would you agree it’s likely not a pH issue? My plants outside are absolutely crushing. My plants under T5 grow vigorous and healthy. As soon as they are introduced to the environment with LED’s, they start to have issues. I’ve been told it’s the 660nm red that is...
  8. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    So are you saying that you now check the PH of your soil? The plants get the same water, inside and out. Also, to be noted, is that I have a different strain growing outside. It’s gotta be something with the indoor environment and/or LED lights. All logic points to the plants not responding...
  9. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    I’m running blumats. Kinda hard to pH with them. Plus, I’m following the method of not having to pH living soil. I don’t think it’s a pH issue. My plants that are outdoor in the same soil mix are absolutely crushing it. It’s gotta be an environmental thing and/or something to do with the lights...
  10. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Malted Barley Powder
  11. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Greetings all. Been running two sealed rooms since January now. Each room has a 4x8 bed of living soil. Above each bed are 2 Progrowtech EV700 spectrally tunable fixtures. I have a 12k mini-split in each room, dehumidifier on a titan Saturn 6 controller, and Co2 supplementation on a Saturn 6...
  12. jHands

    Sustainable Trellis

    Greetings. My grow is modeled around permaculture organics with eco friendly lighting and climate control. I try to keep my carbon footprint as low as possible while reducing waste as much as possible. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to viable alternatives to the disposable plastic...
  13. jHands

    Sulfur Vaporizer ?’s

    So I just picked up the generic “Grower’s Edge” sulfur vaporizer off Amazon with some pellets to combat a PM issue I’ve been having. I ran it in my veg room last night, but never did I see any sulfur vapor actually coming off of the cup. Is it supposed to produce a visible vapor once heated?
  14. jHands

    Worm Tubes

    Nobody has any experience or input with this?
  15. jHands

    Charging biochar

    Best do it inside then. I didn’t aerate mine and it never went anaerobic. Keep it stirred. Couple times a day I stirred it up with a broken hockey stick.
  16. jHands

    Charging biochar

    I second fish hydrolysate and water. Let it sit for 2-3 days, mixing daily. Strain off liquid and toss that liquid wherever. I tossed mine in a portion of my grass that didn’t look too hot. Seemed to perk it up this spring. There’s really no wrong way here, other than using too much char in your...
  17. jHands

    Worm Tubes

    Hey ladies and gents. Currently running a coot style mix in 4x8 indoor beds. They’re 12 inches deep. I’ve got one cycle on each, and decided to add worms recently. Picked them up from the guy I get my castings from locally. Got to shooting the sh_t, and he recommended adding worm tubes to all 4...
  18. jHands

    New Bud Growth Week 9???

    So I don’t run the risk of pollination from the bananas?
  19. jHands

    New Bud Growth Week 9???

    I’ve also got the “bananas” popping out in some areas. Wonder if I just pushed them too long?
  20. jHands

    New Bud Growth Week 9???

    Image 3 shows two spikes shooting off at the “130” position of the bud.