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  1. K

    chocolate thai?

    Naw I want the OG chocolate thai, I heard about chocolate chunk and D line I plane on growin a lil of both of them real soon. I might get a small pack of D line and put it in with the grow im about to start then put it out side with my brother grow.:bigjoint:
  2. K

    chocolate thai?

    Naw I want the OG chocolate thai, I heard about chocolate chunk and D line I plane on growin a lil of both of them real soon. I might get a small pack of D line and put it in with the grow im about to start then put it out side with my brother grow.
  3. K

    Chocolate strain

    Naw I want some OG chocolate thai, I heard about chocolate chunk and D line I plane on growin a lil of both of them real soon. I might get a small pack of D line and put it in with the grow im about to start then put it out side with my brother grow.:bigjoint:
  4. K

    Chocolate strain

    Naw I want to OG chocolate thai, I heard about chocolate chunk and D line I plane on growin a lil of both of them real soon. I might get a small pack of D line and put it in with the grow im about to start then put it out side with my brother grow.:bigjoint:
  5. K

    Does Anyone Remember Thai Stick?

    Man please will anybody send me like 5 seeds for chocolate thai please. Ive been lookin for it for so long, my pops use to tell me stores about it.:sad:
  6. K

    Chocolate strain

    Man please will anybody send me like 5 seeds for chocolate thai please. Ive been lookin for it for so long, my pops use to tell me stores about it.:sad:
  7. K

    Chocolate Tie

    Man please will anybody send me like 5 seeds for chocolate thai please. Ive been lookin for it for so long, my pops use to tell me stores about it.:sad:
  8. K

    chocolate thai?

    Man please will anybody send me like 5 seeds for chocolate thai please. Ive been lookin for it for so long, my pops use to tell me stores about it.:-(
  9. K

    New and need help

    Thankz alot I am workin on my first plant now, I chose white rhino, but my next grow goner be chocolate thai because ive been lookin for it sence I started smoken. Look for my grow log soon, if I get a female which I should have atleast one. :weed:
  10. K

    Chocolate Thai

    Im on the eastcoast but I wish I was out west on the real. I heard D-line is the closes seeds to chocolate thai.
  11. K

    First Legal Grow

    Well sb101 I got to say I wish I was on the westcoast because I know for a fact I would get about 10 clones of that chocolate thai.
  12. K

    Chocolate Thai

    I have been looking for this strain for a very long time and have not found it yet, so im talkin it in my hands and growin it my self. Hope it comes out goo, but do anybody know where I can get seeds from? I mean I need tha best kind on the real. I have not yet tryed it and would like to be str8...
  13. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi every1 im new and would first like to know now do you learn about the strains?
  14. K

    New and need help

    Hi every1 im am new to growin marijuana but :joint:have been smoken sence I was 13:joint:. I would like to know how do yall learn about all the strains?