First Legal Grow


Active Member
If I did that my roommates would be so pissed at me. If it stinks like you say it does at least you don't have to worry about a skunk in your closet. lol


Well-Known Member
ya sorry bout the late response, i wanted to make sure it wasn't just my smell going.

it was the yeast stinkin up the place, i would never complain about budsmell!

but 3 days in, or 4 i've lost count it doesn't smell anymore so i'm leavin em in there for the next couple of weeks. FAQ says replace em every 2-3 weeks? but i might do it once a month...still not sure its going to make much of a difference, + i don't even have anything to compare it to


Well-Known Member
fuck my internet, just had a shitload typed out but it disappeared in a reload malfunction :fire:. i'll make this quick

lots of growth, roots from one of my clones coming outta the bottom of the rockwool. C02 solution is hardly noticable now, cept when shaken gets a slight yeast/vinegar smell that quickly dissapates.

i just heard of 'odor genies' anybody have any luck with these?

oh yea also added one more curtain layer (ghetto!) to the closet separator to make sure NO light gets through



Well-Known Member
i let my plants sleep in the closet and after thye began to really flower the 2 left for this grow the semll got real good, or is it bad,, lol. so i accidentally found the odor genies whci is activated charcoal sponges u place in rooms to clean up odor, u use them for a week then they go bad. they like 3 bucks, and they are nothing serious, i hear febressze in bucket works too. but anyway for a closet and a bathroom the odor genies from the home depot paint section area work wonders. better than nothing till i can afford something bigger!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
OMG i'm so stoked. my roommate's friend just gave him an 8 piece hydro system! with a 250w Metal Halide. I'm stoked and gonna put the MH on my guys in veg till i find a place for the hydro. i think i'll move my t5's to my flowers give em a bit more for spectrum !!!

dude i'm so stoked. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok so cool i've got a nice setup can't wait for the lights to come on. t5's on the side in the flower chamber while the 250 W MH is on the vegging girls. these are all plugged in to one socket, at how many watts/amps might i be worried of blowing a fuse?

lookin forward to morning..needing a/c


Well-Known Member
yea `so this MH has built in ballast and gets REAL hot. annoying i had to raise it leaves on the clones were getting all heat f'ed up. . . i'm gonna go back to my original setup today or tomorrow methinks cause the heat is more hassle than the extra 250watts are worth


Well-Known Member
yea have you set up to hydro system yet? how dope would it be to be growing in soil and in wayer. shit. just might have to watch out for that electricity bill. how many you got going again?


Well-Known Member
yea `so this MH has built in ballast and gets REAL hot. annoying i had to raise it leaves on the clones were getting all heat f'ed up. . . i'm gonna go back to my original setup today or tomorrow methinks cause the heat is more hassle than the extra 250watts are worth
you could try cooling it with a fan either sucking the hot air away of blowing it about. What temps are you getting?


Well-Known Member
i've got a fan blowing at the light now, cooling it down enough. don't have a thermometer because haven't needed one, but i'd be guessing it got up to 90 degrees in the top chamber last night..clipped some of the really badly curling leaves but raised it to the top and got the fan on it so its manageable again.

the MH i've decided is too much hassle for what its worth. the roommate is going to setup the hydro and start in veg with it but i don't know what he's going to do about flowering, probably buy another HPS...i'm wondering, whats the cheapest we could get a decent 600w for. just watered everybody and...

yay! 2 of my clones have roots shooting out the bottom! they're both blueberry and are looking really good, and i'm waiting on 7 more

flowers starting to just come in , little balls of white hairs all over the place. the og diesels and blueberry are all getting their 7th leaf set, but the Chocolate Thai is only just now getting its 5th leaf set..its been growing a little slower than the rest my entire grow. we'll see though there's a lot of time yet for growing. just smoked some amazing stuff i'm off on a trip, was going to try to do some cleaning but i'm not sure i'll have any luck now :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i've got a fan blowing at the light now, cooling it down enough. don't have a thermometer because haven't needed one, but i'd be guessing it got up to 90 degrees in the top chamber last night..clipped some of the really badly curling leaves but raised it to the top and got the fan on it so its manageable again.

the MH i've decided is too much hassle for what its worth. the roommate is going to setup the hydro and start in veg with it but i don't know what he's going to do about flowering, probably buy another HPS...i'm wondering, whats the cheapest we could get a decent 600w for. just watered everybody and...
I'd get a thermometer if i were you my main problems have been heat related and its so hard to tell without one if your on the magic temps day and night or not

Cant you adapt the MH by making some kind of cool tube? or just use a shower extractor fan and suck that heat directly of the lamp? that's what i plan to do if i go MH/HPS on my next (stealth fridge) grow anyway.



Well-Known Member
yea i kno i should get one, just didn't really need it until now. but i let the MH go all night with a fan pointed directly at it and another one blowing air out of the closet (which was cracked) and that did fine, no more heat stress. one of the babies got pretty fried she's lookin a lot better but some foliage on her isn't coming back :(

otherwise everything is looking healthy i don't even know what day of flower i'm on...9 or 10 but its startin to look really for your enjoyment.

ps how do you upload photos so they aren't thumbnails?



Well-Known Member
It's looking good i like your setup.. to upload full pics i use photobucket then copy the IMG link out of my photobucket album then simply just paste it into my post

It would look like below before you hit submit reply


I think you can do it by uploading them in your RIU album as well.


Well-Known Member
cool thanks for the info. so i'm getting AC tomorrow should help a lot, and i just sprayed everything with Neem oil for a little added protection. plus i've seen some fruit flies flyin around just want to be safe, and i think neem oil helps the leaves stand up to the temp a little better but maybe thats just me. i leave on thursday for 4 days so i hope my roommate doesn't fuck anything up


Active Member
cool thanks for the info. so i'm getting AC tomorrow should help a lot, and i just sprayed everything with Neem oil for a little added protection. plus i've seen some fruit flies flyin around just want to be safe, and i think neem oil helps the leaves stand up to the temp a little better but maybe thats just me. i leave on thursday for 4 days so i hope my roommate doesn't fuck anything up
Just call to remind him to water them and you should be fine. You've got your plants on a timer right? If so you shouldn't have to worry about anything.:weed:


Well-Known Member
here i am in norcal, praying my roommate doesn't fuck it up! it is almost totally self sufficient so i really don't have much to worry about, but that doesn't mean i'm not :wall: