First Legal Grow


Well-Known Member
alright i'm back the one thing that scared me CRAZY was my 3 different strains that i've been vegging didn't have any water for a day or two and REALLY needed it. all the leaves on 2 of em were completely vertical!! but i watered em and seriously 20 minutes later they look almost back to normal!! yay! girls are flowering nicely the 2 og diesels are the tallest but they're all looking gorgeous!



Well-Known Member
so i just got this new AC and everytime it turns on it shuts off my HPS just for a sec so it goes out then immediately starts to power it back up. i take it this is bad for the light, anybody have this happen to them and what can i do?


Well-Known Member
just made 9 clones, 7 of em i see roots, and i have 3 different clones i picked up from a dispensary tat are all about 8" if they were upright, yea i'm using a T5, but its 2ft 4 lamp, works REALLY well for veg and not problems with heat.


Active Member
Don't really have an answer to your AC question, but I just read through your whole thread and enjoyed it thoroughly. Keep it up man they look great. I can't wait to see how they turn out!!

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
so i just got this new AC and everytime it turns on it shuts off my HPS just for a sec so it goes out then immediately starts to power it back up. i take it this is bad for the light, anybody have this happen to them and what can i do?
Can you plug your AC into a diffrent circuit than your light? Maybe the high current load from starting the AC is sucking enough current that it kicks off the light.
If you can't plug into another circuit, can you put a bigger breaker in the box for that circuit. Like if it has a 15amp breaker put in a 20 or 25amp.

:leaf:peace man:leaf:


Well-Known Member
unfortunately i can't plug it into another circuit, and i've heard that if i put another breaker i might fry all the electrical wiring so i guess i'm just gonna have to use one or the other mostly. luckily its been cooler lately.

flowers are looking amazing, starting to puff up a little more, post pics soon...also hope to have the hydro setup before the end of the week. that should be a learning experience as well...


Well-Known Member
i actually got my 2 foot t5 from a hydro store in LA, but i bought my 400w HPS (no frills) from for $150, the t5 was roughly the same price.


Well-Known Member
:oHot Starts are bad bad for your bulb (and I am sure ballast as well)! I 'd side with RopeSmoker in thinking your drawing too many amps at start-up on the air-conditioner(and I am not an electric guy).:arrow: Dont up size the breaker and not the wire too: even if your just maxing the amps at "start-up," the wire is probobly 14/2 on a 10amp breaker and you could be heating it up somewhere too. Better safe than sorry:hump:. Maybe, if you cant get a small hole through to another room/circut to plug into, invest in a 12 or 10/2 extention cord as short as possible to reach another circut.
And, geez, $150 for a 400hps??<-----might be the problem is the econo ballast?? I hope you get some more knowledgable feedback on this....... I know my air pulls 7.5 amps at start(13,000btu) and would trip a 10 amp breaker if there were a light on the same circut(I am wired different)........but that's what it would do: trip the breaker...

Your grow is going very impressively! I 've been following it from the start.... I was real curious how you'd do using the MG and it seems great. I think you made a smart choice to continue using it for the beginning of 12/12----- I usually have the problem where I think my leaves are turning yellow too soon compared to what I see in other's grows, so I am trying this!
Ready to see those big buds start loading up!!! Your just using mollases and guano, right? Are you making a tea with them?? Do you have any other nute plans??

:weed::weed:Great Luck to you and your girls! It's all looking great!



Well-Known Member
yea i knew it wasn't a good thing...thx for the advice though i've been thinking about how to put the light onto another circuit i just can't seem to figure out how i'm going to do it for now i'll just be using the AC while the light is off..dammit..defeats the purpose haha but not a major problem i don't really have much problems with it getting too hot as long as fans are going, it's more for my own discomfort.

hopefully didn't hurt the light too bad, i'll throw up some pics of my light i was crazy stoked at how cheap i got it, the ballast sits outside of the grow closet tho so that keeps temps inside a little cooler, and is working real well thus far..

so i'm really just using bat guano and molasses yea, haven't used any molasses in over a week but i just put 4 tablespoons of the guano on the soil and figure its doing its work right now..: the 'tea' thing. basically just means mix it all up together and feedem right? don't want to sound noob i've just been reading that everywhere and figured as much but never really wanted to sound dumb asking :shock:

i'm trying to get to the store so i can buy some bloom and maybe overdrive but at the moment the credit card is maxed no $ in the checking and i've got bills to pay sooo maybe next grow, unless i can convince my roommate to pick up the bill :fire:

he wants to do hydro anyways so we'd have to pick it up at some point. this grow is going so well right now though that as much as i'd like more nutrients i don't mind just sticking with indonesian bat guano (haha learned about the differences in different types of bat guano today) and molasses:weed:


Well-Known Member
oh yea and it's an 8000 BTU AC, last AC was 5000 BTU and i didn't have the problem of it turning off my light but it was so Fing loud the neighbors were complaining and i had to take it back, then i got this one from 2 blocks away using craigslist for 2/3 the price, i was stoked! ... maybe i'll try and sell it for a profit :twisted:


Well-Known Member
:?:yeah, about the teas........ I was asking YOU:-P, I 've not yet tried them and would like to. I 've only read a bit about them.... and I believe you'd mix them together in your water(say a 5 gal bucket?) and bubble them up for a day ar more. I also am led to believe that it makes it all more readily available to the plant when disolved like that. I DO know that you want to be careful top dressing with the guanos(especially high in P guano) because they almost work like a timed release nute and you may not see them working and use too much at the wrong time........maybe somebody can add thier 2 cents(or nickel)?

I love CL! I do a lot of buy/sell on there. And I 've gotten all 3 of my air-conditioners off of there. It's coming up on the best time of year to be buying them too--not sell. My 13,000btu is the dual exaust Sunpentown(dont know the model # right off) that retails for over 600 and I got it last year in Nov for $150! and it's as good as new..... I like them because they are really good with the humidity and when it gets cold it auto heats as well!! I even change the exaust around and run it into my shop and it heats the whole place!

Well, it sounds like you grow is going very well for you! I 'll be looking for some new pics!

Best to You!!:weed:

oh, yeah..........did you get rid of all the mites??<---no reoccurances from the eggs?


Well-Known Member
I have a question. i'm about to get it perscribed to me cause of a medical problem i have. do they help you buy all of the equipment to grow or is that all on you? cause i was looking around it some of the stuff is way out of my budget. let me know


Well-Known Member
unfortunately they don't help you buy your grow setup haha, but any Hydro store will. i suggest going in, buying a few small things and talking to the guy working there about what would be best for your situation, and buy the big things online at a much cheaper price, but you should still try and patronize them ya kno! since they're doing us a favor and all


Well-Known Member
Damn growinman that's a killer deal for the AC, & i thought i got a good deal! but that'd blow my circuit for real, hah, so probably better i didn't see anything like it while i was CL.

i've been hearing about Teas, lots of people have been saying that molasses is good if left for a couple days before pouring, and yea i do need to be careful about top dressing the guano cause i really don't want to burn em and i have been getting a little more yellowing on the lower leaves than i would like right now, so i'm going to wait the full 4 weeks before adding more like the package recommends, just to be safe cause i from what i've seen the easiest 2 mistakes to make are overwatering and overnuting. :shock:

Thats really cool upir AC does your heating and cooling for ya, luckily i'm in a climate where there isn't much need for AC in the winter :-P

I'll get some more pics up in a few days, i've been watering somewhat erratic still using minute amounts of MG and just used some molasses today, i'm thinking i'm going to get it into a fairly regimented schedule soon [but that's probably never going to happen]:bigjoint:

well alright, just smoked my last bowl and things are moving fairly slowly :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: i'll be back soon

aaaand Oh Ya! i did get completely rid of the mites!! so stoked!!:weed: really just used a Neem Oil mix twice a week for 2 or 3 weeks, i forget. the fungus gnats too i'm fairly certain .. while i had the yeast concoction in there i had little flies that looked VERY similar, but i've since determined they were just fruit flies or something, needless to say i'm not using it anymore cause i'm too paranoid of the bugs


Well-Known Member
probably the longest reply i've ever written on RIU, haha wish i could give myself rep :dunce: instead i'll just post a bunch...


Well-Known Member
:clap:<-----for being rid of the mites(The BORG!). I had a hell of a time with them last year and tried everything in the book, by the book, and spent hundreds...... :wall:They still came back. These bastards were immune to everything.........except AVID(yes, I had to.........). I took clones off all my moms and put them in the bubbler in the bathroom and tore my whole room down. When they rooted I planted them and sprayed Avid on them two different times three days appart and got them out of the house and completely started over with everything new......... I made a brand new bedroom out of the old growroom----I still hate to go in there. Where I am at now I've had no bugs, maybe a few gnats is all(and everything gets coated with DE!):mrgreen: So I am really glad you found them and got rid of them quick!!

I think I am North of you and our climate is usually very mild(if not rain). The air-cond. still goes off and on in my 12/12 room when the lights are on because the room is pretty much sealed and heavily insulated. When the lights are off the air is brought in from outside so it does cool down quick which makes the auto-heat great to have. But the greatest thing about the unit is its' dehumidifing ability: it keeps it right around 40%-45% 24/7...... It has actually made it where I can safely leave my grow for days when necessary. If I were in hydro, or had a auto-water system I 'd really be set.....

So what are your plans for your next grow?? Aren't you revegging some clones from your Blueberry girls? Then your going smaller in a cab?

Let's see the updated pics! Hope your having a great weekend!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
i have pics but can't find the cable...damn. It's spirit week or whatever here at school! just drove around campus and DAMNNNN the girls are getting fine. its my 4th year here so i feel kinda bad but i just love hitting on the cute freshmen girls! ! !

for my next grow i have cloned all my past strains, so i'll use 6 of them for the hydro if it ever gets up and running, and i'll probably grow blueberry and maybe the og diesel again, depends on the smoke. i've got 3 clones that are doing awesome 2 types of Shiva and a White Widow and i'm going to take 2 clones from each i think and then put them into flower. by my 3rd grow i intend to cull it down to 2, maybe 3 strains of my favorite smokes and harvest every 2 months, if all goes according to plan!!

dam dam dam growinman that sucks about spidermites!! i've heard up north they are harder to get rid of, in SoCal though i think they're weaker species?? idk i also got them in the first week after i got the clones so they hadn't really settled in.

Just made a 1 gallon 'tea' with molasses and guano, gonna feed it to a couple of the plants tomorrow. the tips of my Chocolate Thai are a little burnt in the lower area, none on the top but i'm gonna take it easy on the nutes for them for a few days. My blueberry is a massive bush and is gettin all wobbly cause the stems are having a hard time holding up the buds, which i guess is ok. i currently have a big fan blowing on em hopefully they'll strengthen up right quick.