First Legal Grow


Well-Known Member
chillin man! just got back from a welcome week concert at my school where i saw The Cool Kids, Estelle, and Hello was alllrightt but the honeys out are something fine! just got home and outside my apartment there's sort of a common area between 2 apt buildings where the asians live, and below me where a mexican social group is living...they're both having parties and both have DJs and i'm looking forward to watching the party wars ignite haha! i really hope tonight i'm not going to be listening to 2 different DJs spinning their shitty music over each other...:wall:

whats up with you?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
can't find my damn camera cable..

things are gettin stanky tho! about a month to go, maybe 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
eh, school just started. i'm in a Remote Sensing class right now haha. i'll post some pics soon as i find that cable ( haven't really even looked for it yet ... ) i'll probably not be posting as much as i was since i gotta job starting soon and like i said school year has begun. aiight kids time for some learnin!


Active Member
Good luck with school man. Don't let all the hot ass bend your focus.

I just posted some new pics you should check them out.


Well-Known Member
check em out in a sec camel. so got my hydro up and running. and some new pics for my soil grow! temps have been gettin a bit high i'm still working out the kinks w/the AC day versus night, cause i don't want it to be too cold during the day i've let it get a little too hot as i've been out during class and such. neways check this shit out! ...

oh yea so it's also been about a month and i'm already having some yellowing from the larger fan leaves on my Diesels :-( and myblueberry but i expected taht because there's just so much foliage there, + i had to get one of those tomato cages for the blueberry to hold it up buuuut

question, how do i keep the lower fan leaves green as long as possible?

well fuck i can't even post pics right now, will do by tonight


Well-Known Member
those are all a week or 5 days old, buds are lookin mighty tasty tho, i have an insane amount of bud sights and these babies are bushy as hell!


Active Member
Lookin mighty fine there. I see what you mean by tasty too. when do you think you'll harvest?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:yes, those are looking very tasty, sb!!! I love the tomato cage:clap:

So it's sounding like you are going to be quite the busy one here w/school & job! I 'll be waiting to see how your harvest goes and keep up with you in the hydro thread as well:lol:


Well-Known Member
haha yea if only the hydro was going as well as soil tho...

but all is good either way! i love comin home to such a skunk room!


Well-Known Member
lookin back at my journal i'm thinkin it's been almost 5 weeks! time flies! instead of mass watering every 5 days or so i've decided for the rest of the time i'm going to water a little bit with ph'd water one day, and a little bit of nute's every other, try and make it more consistent.

my shivas and white widow are looking amazing. i might try and take some clones from them but i dunno i really don't have much room right now hah


Well-Known Member
think i'll be harvesting by around november. i'm leaving on the 20th to the EAST coast visiting family and such, everybody is telling me i need to cure for atleast 2 weeks?! i dont' think i'll be able to, maybe a week!

i'm actually looking into one of those instruments that sucks all the air out so you don't have to continuously burp the jars. anybody ever tried em, have any luck?

my blueberry flowers are lookin REALLY skinny. like lot of bud growth but no girth. arg.
i over fed em some nutes 2 days ago and the tips near the bottom are a little burnt so i'm leaving em with pure water for the next few days, i've been looking at a homies first grow where he got 2 oz + per plant and they looked similar to mine, using the same lighting. he was giving a ton of different nutes, well maybe 5 different but about 400 mL every other day per plant, and in between giving em just straight water.

i'll try that

in other news now that it's cooled down my Hydro is looking REALLY good! well, they're not dying anymore, so i take that to be good news! i just took 3 clones off of my babies i've been veggin they really need to be transplanted and but i don't have space for em so i don't really know what to do. i might try and top which i've never done, i've already been LST'ing them like crazy.

on another note, GO BRUINS! i didn't get any studying done today cause of damn football. sometimes i wish i didn't have TV


Well-Known Member
spent the night last night at my GF's house, lights went out 12/12 at 9:15pm

got home at like 2pm to find out my timer wasn't working damnit. so i turned it on and let it run until almost 11PM, i'm gonna turn them back on at 10AM tomorrow, so they'll have gotten like 17 hours dark/ 9 hours light/11 hours dark then back to 12/12 incrementally i guess i really like having em on and off at 9 o'clock

should i have just kept them on the same schedule and let em have 7 hours of light before going straight back to 12/12 or do you think the way i'm trying to ease em back is better? damn i hate stressin my plants out with dumb stuff like this