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  1. 420024

    Can't Get High Anymore?

    I feel that I'm not getting as high as I used to anymore but if I'm feeling not that high and then go to the store or something I'm quickly reminded how high I really am!!! Lol!!!
  2. 420024

    HELP!!!! harvest time and its to HUMID

    Honestly I have no idea. We only used it in sealed containers.
  3. 420024

    HELP!!!! harvest time and its to HUMID

    "Damp Rid" is the brand name of the desiccant. Look it up online.
  4. 420024

    HELP!!!! harvest time and its to HUMID

    We would check them and clean them every 3-4 days. Basically what you do is set up 2 shelfs in the container made of screen. 1 about 4 inche above the other. On the lowest screen you spread the damp rid across the entire thing about an inch deep. Then you put in your top shelf and lay what you...
  5. 420024

    HELP!!!! harvest time and its to HUMID

    Yea we used coolers also. The key is air tight. The coolers took a little longer because they weren't air tight.
  6. 420024

    HELP!!!! harvest time and its to HUMID

    If you can totally seal off a dry box you could get some "damp rid". It comes in small white buckets. It is in granular form. Really simple to use. It absorbs a lot of moisture. They sell it at walmart home depot lowes etc...We used to use it to dry mushrooms in big rubbermaid bins. It will...
  7. 420024


    I know I saw on here somewhere that you could re pot them and bury the long stem to about an inch from the leaves. I've never done it but it seems logical. Good luck!
  8. 420024

    hunters near the crop.

    The best advice that I've seen on here is to get a camera of your own and put it up hidden really well facing the other camera. That way you know what your dealing with. Hunters or law enforcement. Get all camoed up, and get a mesh camo face cover, they sell those at wallyworld in the hunting...
  9. 420024

    DWC Reservoir Cleaning?

    Thanks Illegal Smile!! That is what I suspected. Unfortunately my space is very limited and I couldn't move them after a few weeks into flower to swap out reservoirs like that. :( I guess it'll have to wait until I have more space. Thanks again!
  10. 420024

    DWC Reservoir Cleaning?

    I have been thinking of doing DWC for a while now but am very skeptical of the whole reservoir cleaning issue. How in the hell do you clean the reservoir in let's say the 5th week of flower and there are roots hanging out everywhere? How do you suspend the top so the roots don't touch anything...
  11. 420024

    Blueberry cloning issue

    Oh, and i forgot to tell you that I kept the RH at about 85-90 in a cloning dome with a 65W CFL Flood light about 1 inch from the top of the dome. :)
  12. 420024

    Is it Mg deficiency? Pics attached

    Well I put the salts in and that didn't seem to do much either so I went out and got some CalMax. I did a complete flush and re did all the nutes and added the calmax and now they are doing a lot better that was 4 days ago.
  13. 420024

    Blueberry cloning issue

    Yea, mine took about 3 weeks, they looked really bad. 1 of them actually bent all the way over and was facing the ground for a while but ironically they are in their 5th week of flowering right now and that one is the tallest, healthiest plant. Just a heads up, the way I did it was straight...
  14. 420024

    Blueberry cloning issue

    Its most likely stress. Don't worry just keep the humidity high and let them go. Believe me my first batch of clones looked far worse than that but I ended up having a 100 percent success rate.
  15. 420024

    Is it Mg deficiency? Pics attached

    Well, my addition of Fish emulsion for a Nitrogen boost definitely wasn't the answer. I just added 200 PPM (Epso Grow) Epsom Salts. Hopefully that fixes my problem. I'm glad to see that your plants are back to good!!!!
  16. 420024

    Is it Mg deficiency? Pics attached

    Mine are doing the same exact thing so I'm curious to see what the answer here is. I am on my second round of growing and only seem to run into this problem after about 2 weeks into flowering. I have already purchased epsom salts but have chosen to add Fish Emulsion for a Nitrogen boost first...