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  1. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Plant For 39 Days

    Lmao what do you mean by illusion like it looks big in the picture but it's not really big I see what your saying
  2. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Plant For 39 Days

    No nutrients have never been put in these baby's only h20 sadly ):
  3. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Plant For 39 Days

    Question how would I know if it's root bound or not? And another question not to sound dumb or nothing like that but when you guys say (n) are you talking about nutrients?
  4. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Plant For 39 Days

    Thanks Vostok atleast there's a few nice people on here I will post more pictures I have couple other Strains going as well but I just had sprayed some h20 on it when I took the picture that's why so shiny and the bucket is about medium size 5 gallon pot this is just my learning run this is...
  5. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Baby For 39 days

    My profile pic ? Ya maybe just a pic from google anything else ?
  6. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Baby For 39 days

    Don't have to get all hostile sorry I'm excited about my first run why comment if your just gonna be rude bro now since you wanna be here how about you answer the question is it healthy fuckinh lame ass
  7. BlackGrower513

    Whose Familiar With Strains

    What you guys think ?
  8. BlackGrower513

    Whose Familiar With Strains

    I personally think it's sour diesel from all the information I gathered up I honestly just went on google and typed in sour diesel leafs and compared it to minds and it is very similar if it's not sour diesel it's some type of crossbread between it and sour lemon gonna post a pic of sour diesel...
  9. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Baby For 39 days

    Haha yes sir it is
  10. BlackGrower513

    Whose Familiar With Strains

    lol ya sorry I'm new on here haha
  11. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Plant For 39 Days

    thanks buddy I've been on this site reading a lot for the past few weeks so I figured fuck it why not make a account & this is my first run ever so I am excited as hell And somehow I'm doing a hell of a job I appreciate that bro
  12. BlackGrower513

    Whose Familiar With Strains

    Wondering What Strains I Have
  13. BlackGrower513

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Looking good
  14. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Plant For 39 Days

    hey guys was just wondering how healthy my plant was for 39 days from seed
  15. BlackGrower513

    How Healthy Is My Baby For 39 days

    How Good Is My Baby For 39 Days