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  1. Florida's Finest


    My harvest expected date is Dec 31st and I have been looking though many sites for " Best " way to make the harvest all it can be..The info I can find says from 24 to 36 hours of darkness before you chop...Since you will be drying it after the chop do not add any more water during darkness and...
  2. Florida's Finest

    Making Hash

    O.K. Has anyone determined which size bags to use...I see 220, 180 & 73 being used the first try/shake...I have a 15+ WW harvest coming up in the next 2 weeks and wanted to try the Dry Ice ...Can some one tell me what size they used and maybe why they started with that first size and the end...
  3. Florida's Finest

    -Bottle Grows-

    See my post # 97 and see if it matches what you did..Good Luck Rick
  4. Florida's Finest

    -Bottle Grows-

    Thanks...I know more and more of us in Florida growing our own..I grew outdoors in Tampa/Clearwater area for 5 years..Due to construction next door I am forced indoors were I will stay..I used to throw 20 seeds in the ground..10 would go into Home Depot 5 gal.pots and I added nutes and water...
  5. Florida's Finest

    -Bottle Grows-

    I found Perlite by Miracle Grow / 8 Dry Walmart for $5 approx...Now this time of season the Garden Dept. of Wal-Mart is full of Christmas shit and I was told the Super-Wal-Mart should have it still in stock...Every Nursery I have been to and the Hydro stores all have had it....I have...
  6. Florida's Finest

    -Bottle Grows-

    I just had a similar problem and by mistake I gave a few Plants that are 4 weeks into Flowering to much Fertilizer....It was 12-55-6 Super Bloom shit I bought at Lowes for $8.98 for 2 lbs.....I was only giving it at 50% = approx 6-28-3..........I gave 4 of my plants full strenth twice in one...
  7. Florida's Finest

    -Bottle Grows-

    I really like your post using the bottles...I am almost near the end of my first grow <Started Sept 10th> and have approx 20+ Clones of my White Widow's & Kaya Gold ready to go but, like all indoor growers need to maximize my space..I have 2 x 4 x 4 Clone/Seedlings Room and a 4 x 8 x...
  8. Florida's Finest

    From White to 50% / 75% Amber Time Table ?? Unknown Strain Need Help !

    :-PI planted a:razz: few freebie seeds < Mix unknown >the Attitude sent me . And 5 weeks into the into grow I saw that they are Auto-Flowering. Now at 7th + week into flowering stage and the problem is I need some advise of the flowering stages of these..My best guess would be 10 to 14 days more...
  9. Florida's Finest

    First try at Fimming / Topping.... Looking for Advise / Comments

    Not sure what heath top question is ? But, all stains can be fimmed or topped from what I understand... Thanks Rick
  10. Florida's Finest

    First try at Fimming / Topping.... Looking for Advise / Comments

    That is what I am hoping for more cola's like your plant...I only did the Fim on 4 out of 10 or so that have enough growth to try it on...I did first one Monday and it looks good so far....If all goes well I will do all of them by next week....I also just read up on the airpots about two hours...
  11. Florida's Finest

    First try at Fimming / Topping.... Looking for Advise / Comments

    My goal was extra bud's...I have a 48 Wide x 96 Long x 96 in Height Grow room I built in my Garage out of 1/2 R-Max Foil Boards < Total cost less than $100 > so, I can deal with almost any height..I have seen a few photos on Roll It Up of plants that they did Fimming to and the extra Cola's were...
  12. Florida's Finest

    First try at Fimming / Topping.... Looking for Advise / Comments

    It has been 72 hours since I cut the first one and so far it is looking pretty good..I have done 3 more that I cut slightly less off this time around and even the one from 48 hours ago I can see positive results....The next comment below the advise was not to cut off so much....Which is what I...
  13. Florida's Finest

    First try at Fimming / Topping.... Looking for Advise / Comments

    Every one on here has pretty much said cut 80% off ...I used Uncle Bens info..He has a ton of threads here and seems to know what he is taking about...After a few days it look like it may just work..Thanks for advise...Rick
  14. Florida's Finest

    First try at Fimming / Topping.... Looking for Advise / Comments

    :?: First try at Fimming / Topping ..Just want confirmation I am doing this correctly..So many readers here know what they are doing and I want to make sure I am on the right track...One plant was done 48 hours ago one done about 8 hours ago.....Thanks in advance Rick :lol::leaf:
  15. Florida's Finest

    Lowrider-Autoflowering Seeds not Germinating

    Nirvana has had a problem with the Lowrider Regular seeds and as of last week stopped selling them..< End of Sept >..They just say " Not in Stock "...I emailed Nirvana about my "problem "and they say the with take care of the problem with my next order which will be in next 10 days..The seeds I...
  16. Florida's Finest

    Leaves Curling Down ? Not Enough H2O ? Or ? Photo's Attached

    Thank you for all your help it is greatly appreciated....I was following the Fox Farm feeding schedule for Big Bloom at .25% vs. what they had suggested...Half the plants are looking visably better already and I think the other ones will recover very nice over the next couple of days...Thank you...
  17. Florida's Finest

    Leaves Curling Down ? Not Enough H2O ? Or ? Photo's Attached

    The page on this site that had some photos of typical probelms with plants the photos were not visable and I could not pull them up so I hope some one can tell me what my issues are..I have 13 plants without any issues and at this point and I thought they all were getting the same amount of...
  18. Florida's Finest

    Plants having both CFL Indoor & Outdoor Sunshine any issues ?

    I am in the first week of my first indoor grow..I have grown outdoors for 5 years but, forced indoors due to addition to house next door. My question is since my girls are so small I have been bringing them out for that S.W. Florida sunshine for 6 hours or so during the day and did not know if I...
  19. Florida's Finest

    Lowrider-Autoflowering Seeds not Germinating

    Ordered from Nirvana germinated same day they arrived..Both the Widow & Gold have all spring up over 2" now ...As of today Lowrider seedslook the same nothing happening ...Thanks Rick