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  1. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    So I think we're close. One of them looks ready. What do you all think?
  2. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    I've only smoked one "stash" of weed in my life. I am the ultimate lightweight. I was given a canister of ground up weed, and i was given one bud. I have no idea where it came from, the age, the condition, the type. If there is such a thing as "junk weed" then I probably smoked it. I have a...
  3. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    I have another newbie question: It seems the "sap" on the plant is the stuff everyone is after. My question is since the sugar leaves seem to be covered as much as the bud, are they also okay for smoking, or do you trim them before curing and throw them away?
  4. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    Ahhh. okay
  5. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    May I ask what all these quotes are? They are not from this thread (Except the top one of course)
  6. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    Hello everyone.. So it's been a hair over a week, and I think I am seeing the Amber you are speaking of on ONE of the 4 plants. Please review this photo and advise. Thank god I am a photographer so I have a Macro lens that lets me get close enough for you to get a good look. Am I on the right...
  7. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    I'm looking for more of a high happy high.. I don't want to crash.. So any advice to get that would be great.. I have 2 northern lights plants, and 2 original glue plants.
  8. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    Already have one, but my ignorance may not allow me to fully understand what I am looking at which is why I'm reaching out. One question: I flushed the plants last week. Is it true that leaves may start to turn as the plant converts if fuel from the leaves to the buds?
  9. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    Cheezy you are God's gift to wisdom.. THANK YOU for the fast response.. I'll stay on top of it for a while longer. Will send more photos in a week or two
  10. HappyNewbie-Josh

    Newbie - Harvest Advice

    Hello all! Yet ANOTHER newbie here.. Grew 4 plants.. Too much for my space.. Not a good yield but I'm not a heavy smoker so 4 or 5 buds will last me a while. My girls LOOK like they are getting close, but I would like to seek wisdom from the hive mind for any thoughts on about when I should...