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    Carbon scrubber inside grow box?

    Filter -> inline-fan -> exhaust pipe? I suppose the carbon filter has no set direction, so this should work Who runs a similar setup? I might even try Filter -> inline-fan -> exhaust pipe -> light
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    When does skunky smell start?

    My plants started to smell maybe 10days since sprout date... Now i'm 21 days in since sprout and my whole house smells. I only have 6 plants. one is 14" tall, the other are between 10-12" It smells day or night. Is this normal?? any input appreciated. BTW, the seeds are from seeded bud.
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    I have a fireplace that I don't use, maybe I could exhaust the flowering room through the chimney? Pack some activated carbon and we're done? :bigjoint: would it be noticed if there was no filter?
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    Help?! Temperature + Humidity + Light Distance = Triangle of death

    Evaporating water machine, perfect :) I modded another air duct just now, so now i've got cool air to my light, and cool air to my room. It works so well that the metal reflector is room temp add that swamp cooler and we're in the sweet zones. Lower light, finally! thanks
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    Help?! Temperature + Humidity + Light Distance = Triangle of death

    Hey guys :-P So my grow is going well... 600W MH vegging away (1 month now approx), 5-7" plants, 5gal pots, light is 18-20" above the plants. Thing is though, it's hot and dry. My grow room is in the basement, with usually 65% RH. Now it's 40% max, and i'm getting 85F with a table fan...
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    CO2 from fallen tree leaves?

    I don't have acces to dry ice, I try to avoid buying wierd/specialized supplies also, it's suspicious. little off topic but... are you using dry ice during night cycles? (judging from picture) I thought plants intake co2 during the day only, and expel co2 during night i could be wrong.....!
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    CO2 from fallen tree leaves?

    Sound reasoning, thanks Dino My leaves are yours to keep! I won't bring them inside... project aborted! I won't put them on the curb though... I cringe everytime I see piles of bagged leaves going to the landfill.... I just dump mine in the forest beyond my backyard, problem solved. thanks guys
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    CO2 from fallen tree leaves?

    Bugs are a true concern. Maybe i can bake the leaves like we bake soil to get rid of bugs.... maybe even wash them! A little crazy? maybe... I'm exploring low cost options for co2 enrichment. The leaves are just lying in my backyard, and I have to get rid of them anyway, I thought I could...
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    CO2 from fallen tree leaves?

    "In winter, when leaves fall and decay, more carbon dioxide—a by-product of plant respiration and decomposition—seeps back out of the forest and into the atmosphere." taken from Fallen leaves do release carbon...
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    CO2 from fallen tree leaves?

    Anybody? Fallen leaves are everywhere, I might even compress some and put them in my freezer, so i'd have a year round supply of co2! But I need your input as I don't have much data on this.....
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    CO2 from fallen tree leaves?

    Hey, first time post :-P:leaf: Long story short, I was wondering if the leaves on the ground at autumn generate CO2 while decomposing. Was thinking of putting some in my grow room? I searched quite a bit but found no pertinent information on this. How much co2 is generated by say... a...